Help Royal cheese seedlings Strange leaves


Well-Known Member
i grow in coco too, and i use canna A/B, and canna rhyzotonic, cant fault the stuff, got a hydro shop near you
if you go with canna nutes dont give them more than 2ml a ltr
0.5ml a ltr for the first few feeds


Well-Known Member
i was just asking if you were close to a hydro store, i have no store, you need to give um a feed in the next few days, canna A/B is quite cheap, rhyzotonic is expensive, you could use liquid seaweed instead of the rhyzo if cash is short


Yeah just literally up the road just phoned them and they said £16.99 for a litre of Cana coco A/B I will try to get some when I have I will post some pics in the next few days

Thanks for your help mate

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
they need to be fed soon, you may want to go to the hardware and get some general 1-1-1 fertilizer and give it to them half strength till you can get online/go to the hydro store and get something designed for your purpose. the canna line is good, most GH (general hydroponics)products will do at least till you start to figure things out for yourself