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  1. Pankace

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    I always found the PF tek kinda hit and miss. WBS spawned to horse dung/ or wheat straw in rubbermaid totes is a great way to go once you get it down. As long as you keep things clean and sterile, the yields and extra waiting time are well worth it.
  2. Pankace

    Hydrogaurd or SM-90?

    Everything worse? Don't like the sound of that. Hydrogaurd it is!
  3. Pankace

    Hydrogaurd or SM-90?

    I'll be starting my first DWC. I'm trying to stay ahead of root rot by preventing it before it happens. I've narrowed it down to Botanicare Hydrogaurd (formerly Aqua shield I believe) or Nutrilife SM-90. Naturally conditions will be clean as they can be and temps will be well within a...
  4. Pankace

    New to this board

    Hey. Stumbled into this forum and looked like a place where people could help me. Formally I was a mushroom cultivator [shrooms mostly ;)] but times have changed for me. I'm starting my first green grow very soon. Most of my supplies are on their way and I'll be posting a grow journal soon. I'm...