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  1. L

    Nirvana Rocks!!!!!

    Ive ordered twice from them. Mothers finest seeds did not sprout. NL seeds 8 out of 10 sprouts, but only 2 become female. Infact one of the "females" had bananas. Im wondering what im doing wrong. Im vegging under blue cfl 250 and bloom under 250 hps and 250 cfl blue. The temps are always...
  2. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yes ive noticed those. But they are turning purple and hairs are growing out of them. In any case it wont be the first time i find seeds in my pot :) Ill give them around 2 weeks more, i gave them water only for the first time yesterday
  3. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Where do you see seeds? Is it the orange things? See many? Nooooooooo. This sucks. So what does that mean? Will the pot be weak? Think ill end up with a lot of them? Thanx for the reply
  4. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Do you agree that i have about 1 week too go? Here are some photos. Its Nirvana Northern Lights
  5. L

    1 week too Harvest? (pics)

    This is my Nirvana Northern Lights. Ive taken these pics. Its not easy too see the thricoms, but you can see them if you look closely, zoom Do you agree that i need 1 more week? Or should i cut them now. Im asking cause most of the hairs are brown now, but as far as i can see the thricoms are...
  6. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    bumpibump bump
  7. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    I know what you mean. Im a bit worried about what she will look like tomorrow. So this is what i found out happened. My timer have failed on me, so while i thought it was in it first week of 12/12 it was receiving 24/0 light. So from tonight she will go into 12/12. Could it be that i added...
  8. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    Gave her a flush yesterday and today she is looking much much better Thanx for the help people!
  9. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    What i need to know guys is how serious is this? The plant is very dark green and leaves feel like leather/plastic. It was looking so good some days ago, and growing very fast. Seems like the growth have stopped.... I have a couplel of NL vegging aswell, but this...
  10. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    Yes but do you suggest that i wait untill she is dried up before i flush or should i flush asap?
  11. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    Of course i didnt give her 10 liters of water :D:D Excuse my english. No i mixed those dosages in 10 liters of water. I just watered it untill a few drops ran out the bottom.
  12. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    Yes there are. But not doqn on the side, just under. Maby i should drill dome holes around the edges. Ill gice her a few days, and see what happens, then i most lightly will flush. Its a damn shame, cause this is a skunkman haze x skunk. And i really rally want it to get finished. Have read...
  13. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    What do i do? Need to flush?
  14. L

    Help! Sativa is dying?

    Its almost 1 week into flowering. I gave some niutes yesterday. 10liters water/1ml grow/1ml bloom! half table spoon epsom. So this is how it looked this morning Any ideas?
  15. L

    Did i overwater my skunkman hazexskunk? (pics)

    They were thirsty. A couple of hours after watering it exploded. Now all is good. Put the fan in there again and now its smiling! ;)
  16. L

    Did i overwater my skunkman hazexskunk? (pics)

    Hi! This is my skunkxhaze. I just put it into flowering a couple of days ago. It had a few days of luxury with both the cfl and the hps (both 250w) and a oscilating fan together with my intake and extraction fan. But then i moved the cfl and the oscilating fan to another room for vegging, and...
  17. L

    Northern Lights spots

    Press the link I see no bugs. Been using a x5 glass to look through. Cant see anything. havent got any worse since yesterday, so ill give it some days rest. :)
  18. L

    Northern Lights spots

    Ok i will give it some days to see what happens. Best not to panic :) Thanks for the advice!
  19. L

    Northern Lights spots

    It looks like the area becomes dark before these "wounds" appear. And it looks like it spreading up the plant. Maby i wil try to add some nutes, and even put it in a bigger pot.
  20. L

    Northern Lights spots

    My 2 weeks old NL are showing some spots on the oldest leaves, but they are spreading upwards to the 2 higher leaf set. 250 W HPS (250 cfl coming this week) Temperature : 25-27 degrees celsius Moisture between 33-50% (goes...