Help! Sativa is dying?

Its almost 1 week into flowering. I gave some niutes yesterday. 10liters water/1ml grow/1ml bloom! half table spoon epsom.

So this is how it looked this morning
Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Let her dry out first then flush. You overwatered dont give her more water. giving more water will also release more nutes.


Well-Known Member
are there drainage holes in your pot??? sorry to ask but i have seen lots of pots without holes.
Yes there are. But not doqn on the side, just under. Maby i should drill dome holes around the edges.

Ill gice her a few days, and see what happens, then i most lightly will flush.

Its a damn shame, cause this is a skunkman haze x skunk. And i really rally want it to get finished. Have read some amazing reviews about this strain, and i am so lucky that i managed to germ one of these 15 year old seeds and it turned aout to be a female. Would be a damn shame!


Well-Known Member
I'll second the over-watering diagnosis. Definitely don't water her for a while, let her use up as much moisture as possible.

If the girl looks like she's not gonna recover on her own you may wanna try watering with around 10ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1L of water. The peroxide will force a shit ton of oxygen into the soil and completely fuck up your soil chemistry, it will take a few weeks to get in balance again, but it may save the roots and give your girl a chance to recover.

sultan marijuana

Active Member
id say its your epson salt man you dont need to use it and its not really proven to nourish your plant if i were you i would flush and fertilise with a quarther strenght of your fertiliser and check if your roots are brown if it is the its certanly an over fertilisation sorry if my english is bad im from quebec salut mon ami bonne chance.
id say its your epson salt man you dont need to use it and its not really proven to nourish your plant if i were you i would flush and fertilise with a quarther strenght of your fertiliser and check if your roots are brown if it is the its certanly an over fertilisation sorry if my english is bad im from quebec salut mon ami bonne chance.
Yes but do you suggest that i wait untill she is dried up before i flush or should i flush asap?
What i need to know guys is how serious is this? The plant is very dark green and leaves feel like leather/plastic.
It was looking so good some days ago, and growing very fast. Seems like the growth have stopped....

I have a couplel of NL vegging aswell, but this one i have special feeling rowards :D


Well-Known Member
Gave her a flush yesterday and today she is looking much much better

Thanx for the help people!
That's fortunate. Let's hope it stays that way. :-)

Every time I've flushed over-watered plants they died. They perked up the first couple days (freshly oxygenated water?), but they got even worse never to recover. :-(
That's fortunate. Let's hope it stays that way. :-)

Every time I've flushed over-watered plants they died. They perked up the first couple days (freshly oxygenated water?), but they got even worse never to recover. :-(
I know what you mean. Im a bit worried about what she will look like tomorrow.

So this is what i found out happened. My timer have failed on me, so while i thought it was in it first week of 12/12 it was receiving 24/0 light. So from tonight she will go into 12/12.

Could it be that i added biobloom when she was still in veg that caused this?

Anyway here she is today:

Under are 4 NL. They are looking nice under the cfl, and i like them, but, this sativa is special to me, and i really want it to make it :D They say it is a old strain and that i have been lucky to 1. get it germinated and 2. its a female. Its supposed to at least double in size when going into flowering, and the high is energetic and very positive,,,they say :D Ive placed the fan so that it blows on the soil, and ive lowered the humidity to 35%. And i drilled some more holes around the sides on the bottom. Now i can just wait.