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  1. J

    Mold in soil

    My plant is three weeks into flowering and the soil is looking moldy. If you were to look at the bottom of the pot, the soil that can be seen through the drain holes is white. I don't want to transplant it into new soil because it is a female and i don't want her to turn hermi from the stress...
  2. J

    When does flower growth occur?

    thank you.
  3. J

    When does flower growth occur?

    Anyone have any thoughts?
  4. J

    When does flower growth occur?

    Do the females pistils and male staminate only grow during the night or does growth occur during the day? Thanks:mrgreen:
  5. J

    Why wont it bud!?

    it is and i will
  6. J

    Why wont branches grow?!

    i do have good side lighting. should i trim a little to allow more light. i really dont think there going to grow out. it weird ill post a pic. the first one is the jammed one and the second one is the regular one.
  7. J

    Newbie..growing..need some help

    container and space look good for starting you might have to upgrade size of container and space when they get bigger. What lights and how many are you using?
  8. J

    Why wont branches grow?!

    I dont quit understand your answer
  9. J

    Why wont branches grow?!

    My plant is about 1.5 months and is growing nicely but the branches wont grow outward. i have adequate lighting and watering and the plant is growing a lot each day but it just getting more and more bunched up. I topped the plant could that have anything to do with it? and should i trim some...
  10. J

    Why wont it bud!?

    Thanks everyone. ill give it more time.
  11. J

    Why wont it bud!?

    I have a plant that is about 7 inches tall. It has seven nodes and i wanted to flower (not looking for a big yield). I put it into 12/12 light and switch to a 8-59-9 fertilizer. It's been a week or so and no sex sign yet!!! :confused: whats going on??
  12. J

    When can you flower??

    What is the earliest that you can start flowering a plant. I know you can 12/12 from seedling but what is the earliest the plant will produce flowers.
  13. J

    Seedling help!

    Seeds are starting to germinate. They'll be grown with CFL's that will be kept close to the plants. Should the seedling be given a high phosphorus nute to help roots? Any other advice on seedling care? Much appreciated
  14. J

    Plant looks sick! Pics

    Temps 70-80 its been a bit hotter the past week (76-80) 40-60% humidity, 7 inches tall about 1.5 months old. Im growing under CFL i just switch from daylight to soft white because i just started 12/12 a few days ago (Im not looking for a big yield) so i also just switched then over to a...
  15. J

    plz help roots r growing out of dirt

    I would cover them up as well. How big is your pot? Could it be that there growing up because they have no where else to go?
  16. J

    Plant looks sick! Pics

    My plant looks a little wilty. The leaves almost seem to start to twist toward the tips. Any idea whats wrong?
  17. J

    wuts this yellowing from

    yellowing of leaves is usually during flowering.
  18. J

    what is good soil to use???

    You can put some peat moss or dolimite in there to keep the PH balanced
  19. J

    Help with Soil and Lights!!

    The only inexpensive light that will actually grow a plant are CFL's. also that soil mix sound good just remember not to give it very many if any nutrients because there are lots in that miracle grow.
  20. J

    Noob seeking experience and advice

    Those first sets of leaves that grow that don't look like weed leaves always die and fall off. Usually not so soon but if the leaves closest to the lights aren't burnt i would worry about the distance, but you do have it right with CFL's you want them CLOSE. Watering is the hardest part of...