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  1. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    lmao i did that at wendys but i orderd a quarter pounder lmao i have no idea what i was thinkin!!!
  2. i grow everglades bud

    most random smoking experience?

    idk about this thread it started good but dont worry guys i got a harold an kumar story for you and its not makeupable lmao well i just moved up here to everett,wa and i live im miami tho im up here for a few months helpin my mom cuz she is reallllllly sick. so im tlkin on the phone with my gf...
  3. i grow everglades bud

    2012 what do you know?

    its all good just good to know somone thought it was funny lmao but seriously when i was in high school we thought of ways we wanted to go out and that was mine lmao
  4. i grow everglades bud

    brix+, silica, glass, and lead EVERYONE MUST READ!

    my god this is a crazzy ass thread but i will let you in on a little secret that i have never talked about. but its not about weed but still the same principal!!!! ok well i used to be in the biz of coka cola for the cops lmao and sold to a customer that WAS a friend of mine that i had known...
  5. i grow everglades bud

    2012 what do you know?

    i like the way your thinkin bro personaly i dont really give a shit about this kind of stuff and just know when my time comes it was my time and if its with every other mother fucker on the plantet then i went out pretty cool in my book:hump::hump: almost as good as drivin my f1 straight into...
  6. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    lmao i do that too you know your high when you walk into a buildin and think everyone is starin at you and they really are becuase your shirts insideout lmao
  7. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    no idea what your tlkin about lmao i live in the middle of BFE and nothin erie out here except for some gigantic prehistoric spiders the size of a dinner plate!!!! you know your high when you look at your dog and ask him or her to go and fetch you a beer and seriouly meen it then tell him to...
  8. i grow everglades bud

    CPH's first grow journal

    lol sounds like its time for a store run lmao
  9. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    lmao this is great shit lmao you know your high when you climb up on the roof with your girl to look at stars and when its time to get down you cant lmao because you cant find the latter that fell so you sit up there for 4 hours till you deside fuck it im jumpin into the pool!! lmao i love...
  10. i grow everglades bud

    we need to get up??

    we need to get up??
  11. i grow everglades bud

    What is anxiety?

    Bro at least for me i have had 3 anxiety attacks or panic attacks w/e you want to call them in my life and they were over stress that a kid should not have to endure one when i was 15, 17,18 but i havent had one in years! anything that can make me a 6 foot big ass mother fucker curl up and cry...
  12. i grow everglades bud

    32 deep,51 wide,and 40 tall...

    lmao well if it was a warehouse its understandable i guess now that i think of it lmao ! this little hobby room should be no problem to vent have an exahuast up high, that the intake about plant level, wait are you gonna use co2 its a little room but makes co2 even easier to use??? :weed:
  13. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    lmao i do that shit all the time too lmao you know your high when start givin nugs away the size of golfballs to your friends for no reason did that in high school and was famous when monday came around lmao i didnt remember a thing but wondered how i smoked an oz in a few hours lmao paid 300...
  14. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    LMAO funny shit true story that i do alllll the freeekin time!!!!!! you know you high when you cant find your favorite hat that you have had since you were little and when you get sooo pissed you sit down and your hat moved and you go and fix it and you realize the fuckers sittin right on...
  15. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    LMAO................................ . i cant stop laughin lmao that was super funny for some reason but i know what thats like!!! you know im high :weed:
  16. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    heres a few i got lmao you know youre high when you look at cone hedges and wish/think they are huge nugs of weed You know you're high..when the most trivial of words, such as "pudding" or "cheese", become the funniest things you've ever heard of watch every single second of a...
  17. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    lmao you know your high when your in a circle and wondering were the blunt is when the whole time its in YOUR hand lmao
  18. i grow everglades bud

    You know you're high when...

    lmao great thread! you know when your high when you forgort you were cookin a pizza so you eat a box of girl scout cookies, an hour later you hear the smoke alarm goin off and think its your car alarm untill you walk through the kitchen to get your keys, noticing that either your burning the...
  19. i grow everglades bud

    fan leaf rolling paper

    Is that even philosophicaly correct, you had me till you gave the cheese some bread but i like it !!!! :wee:
  20. i grow everglades bud

    How to buy supplies with out getting busted

    i was readin this thread laughin my ass off lol... dont worry unless the store owner can read your mind lmao :weed: