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  1. YogiBe@r

    Walmart vs. Target

    five years at wal mart ? wheres your ambition.
  2. YogiBe@r

    What Time Is It? Adeventure Time!!!

    i like turtles.
  3. YogiBe@r

    What Time Is It? Adeventure Time!!!

    im srry i dont hate you, i just dont agree with you. my bad fine sir. hate sounding so malicious.
  4. YogiBe@r

    What Time Is It? Adeventure Time!!!

    Ha. i hate people like you, actually, i would push you the fuck down, pull my dick out and piss on you if you started talking to me like this in person. Dude, of course you can find meaning in anything kid, but to think thats the point of the show ? To give kids an example to subliminally...
  5. YogiBe@r

    Walmart vs. Target

    Poor people shop at Wal-Mart. Self respecting members of society tend to shop at the much cleaner, Target. Walmart hires people i guarantee you cant even spell their own name. Target puts you through an interview process with a HR department. Walmart is by far one of the most degrading...
  6. YogiBe@r

    Damn You History Channel!

    ^^^ yall are smokin somethin other than weed. ok.
  7. YogiBe@r

    ill be going to my first rave in los angelescalifornia

    man i absolutely HATE, people thinking im trying to promote something for personal interest but, if you havnt heard of this, youve gotta go.
  8. YogiBe@r

    Lights all night. Dallas texas.

    Ive lived everywhere. oceanside, la jolla. the bay, LA, dallas, austin, canada .... and i cant even begin to tell you that no cities nightlife even comes CLOSE to comparing to Dallas'. Aside from Vegas. If you've never been do whatever you have to do to get there for new years eve this year. Its...
  9. YogiBe@r

    Stoner Jobs

    a little mean spirited, jail is no fun for anyone, but i dont think he was being malicious when he was saying to not take the law into your own hands, just putting into words is discouragement of you stealing electricity.
  10. YogiBe@r

    Stoner Jobs

    well said.
  11. YogiBe@r

    So how hard is it to invest with weed money?

    Get your credit right if it isnt, and open up a small business by taking out a small business loan. even if you have the money and dont need the loan, do it because of the legitimacy factor. and i love the idea about self sustaining your self.
  12. YogiBe@r

    Stoner Jobs

    karma is a nasty thing friend be carefull what you wish for. positive thinking = positive results.
  13. YogiBe@r

    picnic basket please.

    picnic basket please.
  14. YogiBe@r

    Stoner Jobs

    Cops have hidden agenda's. To protect and serve my ass. i would never suggest taking the law into your own hands though fine sir. There is no way IMO to steal electricity and not get caught, because eventually someone will look at the meter, and see it has been tampered with. WHEN not if but...
  15. YogiBe@r

    want to see my nuggets

    wow you've grown a few different strains ! what has been your favorite. i recently grew a small harvest of light of jah and must say, exquisite.
  16. YogiBe@r

    Stoner Jobs

    This site is great btw
  17. YogiBe@r

    Stoner Jobs

    In my opinion, and i do this for a living, the only time someone shouldnt go to jail for a crime, is when the crime is a vicitimless crime. Like possessing marijuana. Stealing from anyone is wrong, and shouldnt go unpunished. Now to the extent, thats up for discussion. but stealing. in any way...
  18. YogiBe@r

    From Oceanside California, and call the Okanagan valley home

    From Oceanside California, and call the Okanagan valley home
  19. YogiBe@r

    Chances of survival? Leaf burn

    and i wouldnt introduce anything even nitrogen within the first 2-3weeks all the way up to a month. but thats just me.
  20. YogiBe@r

    Chances of survival? Leaf burn

    From what i can tell there is 100% chance of survival. adjust the lights and fertilize accordingly depending on what defiency they're experiencing.