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  1. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Watching yer man canucks grow on utube and he does this lights out for 24hrs before chop dealio. Myth needing busting or a thing?
  2. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Bummer but that makes sense Buds. Cheers. Btw would to hear how you've bred strains!
  3. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Howya lads n lasses. Still making oil for patient, thought I'd share some findings and ask some quezzies. Bit of a lengthy post so apologies but for somone looking to make rso it may prove useful. About the decarb....I now do it at the end rather than cooking the bud. Three major advantages...
  4. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Looks brill 90's nice one! Doing the same on one plant and it's made for a lovely big flat and wide canopy with tons of bud sites like your own.
  5. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Sourced iso and had at it yday. Initial run was with my two worst plants which netted 3.8oz post decarb (105c for 45). Long story short that worked out as 13.8ml RSO with at least another ml yet to be removed from the rice cooker. Friend of mine helped in the clean up and licked his finger...
  6. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Spud thanks man. I've a lot of work ahead in that slow cooker! Do youbrate the rso yourself? Question, been reading..... theres over 5000 strains of cannabis out there. That figure being representative of the "man made" ones as in selectively bred. The main goal of the vast majority being high...
  7. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Spud do you decarb the bud prior to washing with iso? Also how much oil woulf i get from a pound of bud?
  8. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Holy crapola that frankentwin is mad!
  9. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Quick update on my own grow. Last one is drying the rest are dried and curing. My big one netted about 135g dry and the rest averaged 70ish so over the moon. Now to source some iso and start the rso. Question for yas, to what extent will rso get one stoned? The patient is not a regular smoker...
  10. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    90's Stoner have a look at this It's well in budget and switchable to 400w. Dual spec bulb will veg and flower. Have the same and while...
  11. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Deffo not windy man. Will put a clip on in tomo facing the wall. Tent is a small one .5 x.5 x 1 and thought the 180cfm exhaust would renew the air fast and be all i need. Temps now 19 and 58rh. As soon as stems snaps then jars or paper bags?
  12. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I have no dan in the tent 90's Stoner but the extraction fan is strong enough and I've put a heater up against the inlet. Temps up to 18 and rh to 58. I believe rh will increase as temperature rises...damn that bastaid ebay seller lol, i need the de humidifier. Also not a huge amount of smell...
  13. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    How do you fast dry in two days Buds? What temps and humidity ya use? The very top three inch of the cola on my biggest plant has dried out from the light, bleached and crackly, no sign of mold but not happy... Was away and house mate never checked em:( Cut the whole top cola off and fed the...
  14. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Head cheese lol, jesus the names eh! Either way I'm sure its rocket fuel and going by what your saying it smells sweet. From reading 10 days drying at ideal conditions which mine aint so maybe 15 days and a month curing? Whatcha reckon yerself man?
  15. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Super work Super180:) In the same boat as ya. What did you grow again?
  16. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Absolutely, thats what i thought. The notion being plant in final container and dont stress it as it won't have time to recoup... But what he does is exactly the opposite. He pots up twice, doesn't ph, grows in clover multi compost and lst's the ever living crap out of them to great effect. I...
  17. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Inspired by Blackpoolbouncers truly epic skills in making every last bud sight to shoot for the light i tried his technique. Weird wiring down the main stem to horizontal but his results can't be argued with:) Btw this is a 5 wk old dutch seed white widow cbd auto...
  18. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Back in the grow room today for a marathon session and some action indeedy! House mate said i stank like feck haha, he said I'd wanna burn my overalls:) The one i took the top cola off above... was on closer inspection ready for the chop entirely, 97 days old. Not as much amber lower down but...
  19. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    My very first bud! Cut the top bud off my oldest plant:) 97 days from seed and weighs an ounce so maybe 7g when dried? I chopped it as it was about 30% amber. The other buds are a bit behind so I'll leave the plant for another while. Gives me a chance to try out my drying tent. Its a black...
  20. strainforpain

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah dreading my leccy bill as also on a budget. Had the hps on 660w for the last wk and its been on 24hrs from day one.... A 300w (at the wall) decent quality dual spectrum led in my 80 by 80 by 140 tent with two plants under it is the plan if i keep at this malarkey once i finish this crop...