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  1. L

    New to auto flowers

    thers a thread on it its under '' spyder is now on attitude Brand name is Black Creek Gardens ''......iv been wanting to do a crossbreed with the spyder an a soma seeds somango but ant learned how to yet
  2. L

    New to auto flowers

    indeed it is,,,, but from my xperience autos dont do as good outdoor as indoors,,, i just recently started growing indoors an man thy do 10 times better inside
  3. L

    New to auto flowers

    well from reading auto pounder yields the most that iv seen on the net but idk heres a link they say withe the right everything it can make close to a pound per plant??????
  4. L

    New to auto flowers

    i have NL right now an they do damn good if under hps light, an like mike.hotel said autos ant for big yields ther for fast yields and to me ther great for sea of green or some personal smok
  5. L

    short stuff seeds

    idk iv never any of short stuff seeds and i hate asking for help on it, but 62 buck is a lot to me an dont want to spend it if it ant any good if ya know what i mean, and im open to it all if any one has had short stuff seeds im more than ears to ya..but all im looking for is a auto, high...
  6. L

    short stuff seeds

    ok ppl come on dont be shy i know some one has growed this befor so shine some light this way lol
  7. L

    short stuff seeds

    hey all iv been looking around for a new straine something new out on the market but idk if this is our ant if any one has tryed her id love some input but its from short stuff seeds super stinky autoflowering...
  8. L

    Auto Northern Lights

    well idk with all u used it should have been a beast but iv never known of any one doing good with a auto under 12/12, 18/6 is best that what i keep mine at from start to finesh..... an idk about outside iv never done a auto out doors but id say it do good tho have to try an see.... in thos pics...
  9. L

    Auto Northern Lights

    I say transplanting at 25 days is what git ya an were its a auto LST an grow/bloom boosters is all u really can do to thim an LST really helps a lot what kinda light an boosters did u use???
  10. L

    Auto Northern Lights

    i just git done with a NL grow an working on one now here my girls now at 21 days.... my last grow didnt do to good with thim but i had cfls last time but i git a 400w hps on my new ones an man let me tell ya theys are some stinky ass girls... best thing u can do on autos is start with 3 or 5...
  11. L

    northern lights auto harvest

    i was useing 4 t-8 for the first mounth till i git a 400w hps light...she took right at 98 days from seed an the smell wasint to bad stinks like hell but didnt notes it till u opend the grow box, so not bad.... an it dont look like a lot but thats what it is, check 2 time to be shur.. an i used...
  12. L

    northern lights auto harvest

    whats up everyone.... just harvested my girl.... me an everyone eles thought she would not do good were it stretch so bad but i ended up getting 5 oz of here wet so not so bad after all heres some pics like a dumb ass i didnt take a pic befor cutting her....
  13. L

    need help on hid light

    im going to try an get a speed control here soon... i was looking at the mufflers but i have no room to put it, the only way i can get one to fit is to reducer it to 4'' an put a 90 off the fan.. an not a bad idea on the filter but my shit ant stinking yet so ant in a big rush
  14. L

    need help on hid light

    whats up every one. just an update on my grow box. I finly git my light an fans in an put it all in lastnight. Down side is I didnt get the filter cause im broke an there not cheap.. on other hand i have a prob with the fans they not vibrating but ''very loud'' sounds like a jet taking off...
  15. L

    need help on hid light

    ok need a lil more help i have the 400w light on the way and going to go with 2-6'' inline fans that are 240 cfms each. one for intack an other for exhaust and a Phresh filter need to know what way to set it up in my box heres two way im thinking of
  16. L

    need help on hid light

    hellyeah thx guys for the help much appreciated... ima jump off here ill put some pic up when i get her up on here feet an running..
  17. L

    need help on hid light

    charcoal fillter thy all about the same
  18. L

    need help on hid light

    believe i can swing 23 bucks lol... the ones i was looking at were like 70 an up..... the fans i have r just stuff i had laying around its just desk fans.. i seen a cheap charcoal were drolove link went dose it matter what kind of thy all about the same
  19. L

    need help on hid light

    thys lights really get that hot... i say im fucked thin all i have is 2-4'' intack fans an a 3'' exhaust fan it stays about 75f with 4-t8 an 2-70w cfls
  20. L

    need help on hid light

    the kit comes with a 6'' cooltube.. i have a home made exhaust fan for now till i get the money back up for a good fan