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  1. shynee mac

    Removing fan/sun leaves during flowering

    never remove green leaves in flower! Only in first few weeks of veg for training purposes....(my 2 cents/no sarcasm)
  2. shynee mac

    Nutes plants Bay Area

    maxsea is pretty forgiving. if you watch it you can feed every other watering full strength. I use maxsea and General Organics at half strength just about every watering (During Veg). I flush with pure water once or twice a month.
  3. shynee mac

    getawaymountain 2014 outdoor

    Yeah that is some nice bud, mines are only 2 weeks into flower also (im jealous)
  4. shynee mac

    Haven't been doing alot of updates, but I'm running skunk#1 ,White widow, and the other two that...

    Haven't been doing alot of updates, but I'm running skunk#1 ,White widow, and the other two that I have in flower are bagseed. (Cookies)
  5. shynee mac

    Got caught with a Pound...

    they smoked it
  6. shynee mac

    Is it to late to grow clones outdoors at this time of the season?

    you can get your clone and be sure to harden off your clone before leaving it in direct sun light. you can start during flowering season if you want, only problem is you wont yield as much as others who had more/any veg time.
  7. shynee mac

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    winter green house solution!
  8. shynee mac

    norcal- when are your plants done flowering?

    I wouldn't pull in sept maybe first to second week of October. depending on strain. get a magnifying glass to check tricomes if 50% of them are amber color I would pull. but its gonna be up to you/experience. I use to chop my entire grow at once. now I chop top colas first and let the rest of...
  9. shynee mac

    What are your LB's going for?

    Ive seen outdoor going for 1600 (DANK) , but this time of year lbs are going for about 2200-2800 roughly (indoor)
  10. shynee mac

    went on vacation to florida for a week and left my babies in the care of my sister in law (NOOB)...

    went on vacation to florida for a week and left my babies in the care of my sister in law (NOOB) and I came back to 4 50% living seedlings
  11. shynee mac

    2014 Backyard Grow

    the video just dropped yesterday
  12. shynee mac

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    I believe green house growing is not considered outdoor technically. you shouldn't have any problems especially if your greenhouse is like mines, where you cant see inside. but like my grandfather told me, if you have a big bank roll boulging out of your jeans pocket, no one can see it, but they...
  13. shynee mac

    2014 Backyard Grow

    something about that beat no matter what mood you in, it make you wanna smoke and dance!! lol
  14. shynee mac

    Outdoor lights during flowering from neighbors yard???????

    @kinddiesel Its a gate type fence, ill have to just hang up some black plastic, hopefully when the plants get taller the light wont affect them
  15. shynee mac

    3 Mystery Bad Seeds (Outdoors) My First Grow!!!

    not true pro mix will supply nutrients for about 4-5 weeks
  16. shynee mac

    Outdoor lights during flowering from neighbors yard???????

    wow, im having that same problem with my neighbors porch light...its 2 "flood lights" and one is pointed directly at my yard, so im sure that it will affect my grow. IIm debating should I buy them a green bulb (if they consider using it) or should I just buy tarp for my fence. but then my plants...
  17. shynee mac

    building a new greenhouse

    building a new greenhouse
  18. shynee mac

    Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

    I can afford to donate $30 if that helps, I wont be leaving until about 9:00am but Im in sacramento. dm me @SFguy
  19. shynee mac

    2014 Backyard Grow

    nice!! Im tryna figure out how to sub also
  20. shynee mac

    Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

    HAPPY 420!!!!