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  1. shynee mac

    Gell or Powder????

    use honey, it works! check it out
  2. shynee mac

    Cali cops

    if you grow big you gotta watch out for :leaf:
  3. shynee mac

    Is it Spring yet?!?!!

    good idea to get em in there early! especially for ppl not using fabric pots
  4. shynee mac

    Can I Plant now? WHAT DO YOU THINK? please school me with some wisdom...

    id say throw em out, and just watch the weather. then put em in the ground last week of april :weed:
  5. shynee mac

    You guys got room for one more?

    Houses in sacramento, rancho cordova, stockton avg. rent for 3-4 bedroom house front and back yard $900-$1200 and thats in the nice areas! can find a house in oakpark/south sacramento for $800-900 easy but you would have be very secret about your grow in south sac. better off in the north...
  6. shynee mac

    Victorville - Firefighter gets zapped by electrical mod in burning mj house

    yeah I almost moved in a 3 bedroom house in victorville. it was $575 a month! but I decided not to, due to the fact that id be away from everything. good thing i liked was that I could get to vegas for nearly $20:clap:
  7. shynee mac

    and so it begins... 2013 Outdoor MMJ Grow

    dont feel bad, I got a few pineapple kush seeds that are stunted also but they survived the winter and they started in nov. stayed in my cold garage in a fish tank with 2 cfls at temps under 30 degrees until jan. now there about the same size if not smaller than yours:wall:
  8. shynee mac

    taking of to cali

    its possible I actually know a homeless guy and his wife/girlfriend, they grow near the Grass valley/ Navada city area and they have been growing in those mountains for several years. (long story short)they use to live in folsom had an uncle that lived up that way.moved, fell out with uncle, and...
  9. shynee mac

    Question about Yield

    yeah good soil and some smart pots and you should do good, basically. heres a link some perfect pots
  10. shynee mac

    Question about Yield

    actually my dad has about four of his plants on the side of the garage every year, and they only receive (10:00am-1:30pm) 3 to 3 1/2 hrs of direct light during veg and they get up to 6 and 7ft. it depends on a lot of things other than direct sun! such as strain, location, the time you planted...
  11. shynee mac

    Protect plants???

    I might sleep in the TV room where I can see my back yard.keep the TV on and loud at night and maybe scatter a few of those walk way /drive way solar powered lights so I can see whats in the yard at night, they wont effect the plants as long as you keep em a good distance(6-7 feet) away from...
  12. shynee mac

    lets see your results from 10 gallon buckets post your pics!

    45 gallon bin 4 seeds fighting to be the prized female to stay in the bed, I mean bin! lol.
  13. shynee mac

    lets see your results from 10 gallon buckets post your pics!

    yeah I did a couple 5gal homedepot buckets last year and one got root rot( I had screw driver size holes) and the other got about 4 ft. tall. im going bigger this year! less plants bigger bushes!:blsmoke:
  14. shynee mac

    Sac County Growers

    wow!, I miss magnolia, but I miss river city even more! I use to attend there classes and volunteer for and 33rd was the spot, didn't to much like it when they moved to northgate, but Anthony and his wife are cool ppl , I really do miss those days. those were the days when you...
  15. shynee mac

    Sac County Growers

    oh okay that's good to know ABM. I don't live in the actual city ,but if I did I really wouldn't sweat 5-6 normal sized plants. but its still good to stay on point!:eyesmoke::idea:
  16. shynee mac

    Cold Frames....Any one ever tried them?

    yes its possible to grow year round and get multiple harvest,if that is what your referring to when you say "FULL TERM". but the lack of sunlight in the winter will effect your final product and you will just end up with hash making material or worst. but it could be worth a try, good luck
  17. shynee mac

    Sac County Growers

    Sacramento county has deployed what they called an emergency operation to crack down on medical marijuana growers. They literally are going house to house checking peoples back yards. If they find anything outside, they will check inside too. Apparently even with a recommendation, it's illegal...
  18. shynee mac

    balcony flowering in feb?

    yeah it depends, I put a lemon larry og out last year in the beginning of april and it re-vegged on me, but reveg isn't always bad bud. let it re-veg and finish it up in the fall and you could end up wit some decent buds
  19. shynee mac

    Cali outdoor crew. Plans for this season?

    I got six pineapple OG seeds going been about 30 days maybe more, hoping for females wish me luck....I haven't started feeding yet
  20. shynee mac


    three yrs, 300 yrs so what!. it still is good info, lol and other ppl could be helped by this info. you might not have termites, but its always good to know what to do when or if it does happen. shit, tell me what to do if dinosours come back, ill be taking notes!....and ill be ready! lol