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  1. DIY42088

    Don't hate me please... Plant diagnostic questions

    Bump. Still haven't solved the issue, as I don't know what it was I flushed everything out with a low strength complete nutrient solution, with a small amount of N just in case hoping it was just a lock out issue. Any help would be great. Thanks folks.
  2. DIY42088

    Don't hate me please... Plant diagnostic questions

    thanks Dr. Is there anything I can do right now to help or just continue from this point the way you described? Also I have two different strains and they both exhibit different things. Which one would this benefit? I'm assuming the headband(small yellowing plant) since the grapefruit(larger...
  3. DIY42088

    Strange Problem ..Any Ideas?

    Yeah I've been reading a bit and all those points are very common lol. I can't wait to see the yield difference! And keep all this damn dirt off my floor!!!
  4. DIY42088

    Strange Problem ..Any Ideas?

    Yeah man my bad. I've never grown dwc but I bought all the shit I need and that's my next challenge after this harvest is to switch. I don't know if it works the same as far as frequency of feeding but hopefully you've got it figured out now!!
  5. DIY42088

    Strange Problem ..Any Ideas?

    Disregard that. Just realized the "dwc" part man... My bad.
  6. DIY42088

    Strange Problem ..Any Ideas?

    Hmm... What frequency did you water with ferts and at what strength of recommended? Think of it like when you add ferts to the soil they take "x" amount of time before they are all used up. So if you feed to frequently it can kind of have a stacking effect. So if you loaded up on the N heavy...
  7. DIY42088

    Strange Problem ..Any Ideas?

    From what I've read the tips of leaves curl under and "claw" like that mostly from N tox which also fits the fact that your leaves are super dark green. I'm no expert by any means but I do read a lot of books and forums on cannabis. Also the sticky about def/tox in this section has tons of great...
  8. DIY42088

    Don't hate me please... Plant diagnostic questions

    Pic is attached with ratios. Also forgot to mention that the little plant in the middle(with lots of light green and yellowing) is the headband and the others are grapefruit. Also I mix at 1/4 strength and feed once a week by the schedule on the bottle. Thanks!
  9. DIY42088

    can anyone tell me???

    I just read through the entire sticky in this section on def/tox and I for sure saw things in there about edges of leaves being brown like that. I'd give it a read it's super informative and well written. But as brimck said we needs the facts bud.
  10. DIY42088

    Don't hate me please... Plant diagnostic questions

    Ok finally got the courage to post... I've read through so many posts about deficiencies and abundances that my head hurts and nothing seems to directly match my issues... I'm thinking a magnesium or calcium issue with a mix of over fert. I'm growing in ocean forest soil. 3 white grapefruit(two...
  11. DIY42088

    Can you clone in flower???

    I did it with white grapefruit and blueberry head band. All the grapefruit survived only one headband. It didn't take to it as well. Took all my cuttings about 6 weeks into flower as I don't have room for simultaneous veg and flower. This is them now. Monster crop is worth the wait imo because...
  12. DIY42088

    Any blueberry growers??

    Grew some blueberry headband under a cheapo 300w led, high is too much for me and as someone else said I wanted to eat my entire fridge!! Took about 65 days to mature to all milky tricromes and about 25% Amber. Tons of purple in the buds as my temps stay real low. dont remember the yield numbers...