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  1. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    Im planning on putting a few things together in the next week or so....just got back from home depot got me some superthrive!, that shit works wonders! never used any on my grow but I watch my dads grow every year and he pour that shit on everything like hotsauce!:clap: lol naw, but it works tho!
  2. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    good lookin out, im tryna keep em lookin as good as yours!....(ridin on them 20`s:-P....."them aint no 20`s!"...................:sad:aight they 10`s, but I keep em clean tho!):weed:
  3. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    <super silver haze on the right getting her 12:00 direct sunalso my GDP caught up with the rest of the girls
  4. shynee mac

    HELP!!! My marijuana seedling bend over!!

    was the dome vented? after a few days a seedling will need more ventilation to survive
  5. shynee mac

    CLoNing outside

    I just cut 3 gdp 2 bubbas and one sour deisel and put them in jiffy pellets w/rooting powder. also outside in a humidity dome,I bring em inside at nite. ive been 90% successful once this will be my second try. im also keeping them in the shade.
  6. shynee mac

    Purple haze cross looking for yeild info??

    pics would help out, but 150 g. is good for a indoor plant(if it was 4ft.)
  7. shynee mac

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    nice dirrty d...I see you got a few tomatoes goin
  8. shynee mac

    drinking coffee before bed,'s stay on the grind:grin:
  9. shynee mac

    drinking coffee before bed,

    yeah i drunk some before(on the streets) but i quit drinking it when i heard it could make you go blind!
  10. shynee mac

    drinking coffee before bed,

    yeah coffee is like money...spend $7.50 on a jar of foldgers n make $25 back(food value) selling shots of,yeah shitty time but funny people but thats the past.
  11. shynee mac

    drinking coffee before bed,

    fruit n juice for coffee?....hope you was making prunno!:clap:
  12. shynee mac

    Do you think this topping will hurt my yield?

    if you did lose any, I believe you still have time to get half of it back in new growth. but the good thing is.....youll never know if you lost or gained!:weed: but you experianced some lst pain with your plant and learned from it!
  13. shynee mac

    Thriving like a mofu$ka

    nice mr.nice:-P id put the widow in the ground but other than that there lookin good!
  14. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    my lemon larry og in the bucket is hangin but not growing at all!:sad:
  15. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    this pic was took today I took the chicken wire off of my sour deisel and the og(not in pic)kush and i made a little fence.thinking about hammering nails into some wooden boards and laying them around the garden covered in soil. If someone tries to sneak around my garden at night they just might...
  16. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    pops got some monsters every year but these are kinda small compared to this time last year(7ft. in the back from bag seed)
  17. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    these are a couple of my dads plants in so. cal
  18. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    got back from outta town last friday and took this pic saturday morning
  19. shynee mac

    Starting Very late, Beginning of August. What strain to use

    all canadian strains...NL....white widow etc.
  20. shynee mac

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    I agree HD got the most talent out of all the new artist livewire etc and I slap all of em too, but philthy rich is hot too, him and burner light weight main stream or close "philthy n wacka video" philthy n 2chainz "true religion shawty" and berner signed with wiz khalifa,he rep "taylor gang"...