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  1. floridasucks

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good

  2. floridasucks

    pink pistils

    this bag seed i grew had some pink hairs, they dried the same color.
  3. floridasucks

    Florida Growers Thread

    smoke one for page 420...
  4. floridasucks

    giving a cat shrooms?

    if you gave your cat shrooms it will look like this... EJEw3A_QO9o
  5. floridasucks

    hey man, did you have a thread on here on how you extracted your mescaline? i saw those pics you...

    hey man, did you have a thread on here on how you extracted your mescaline? i saw those pics you posted and they reminded me i have a bunch of san pedro powder and a couple cacti. i want to get some beautiful crystals of my own.
  6. floridasucks


    this is what ive been using, i got a few bottles for free.
  7. floridasucks


    this tek is awesome for one pound extractions... sodium hydroxide is not a really bad chemical if you know how to use it correctly. you can also order it online if you cant find it or are...
  8. floridasucks


    it sure is.. thanx. hahaha, you know it.
  9. floridasucks


    heres my harvest for today... 4958mg. less than i expected but it was the first time i did a wash so its not a bad yield. i dont even smoke it so this will last me a while.
  10. floridasucks


    hahaha try 60...
  11. floridasucks


    sweeeeeet... im makin some right now..:mrgreen:
  12. floridasucks

    Dinner Art

    actually i cant fillet for shit haha my buddy does it for me. im surprised that the ocean in my area is still clean and oil free.
  13. floridasucks

    Dinner Art

    nice fillet, speared a 26in black grouper the other day. its at the bottom of this pic... i need a new camera, cant post pics of my food anymore...
  14. floridasucks

    heroic doses of lsd

    not a flashback, just residual effects the next day. i guess it was such an intense experience maybe it erased some of the memory in my brain of what trees were there before the trip... haha im highhh:mrgreen:
  15. floridasucks

    heroic doses of lsd

    haha i dont think you get it. i didnt even go outside till after my trip. i was stuck on a couch for most of it. stuff just looked different the next day after i came off the acid. your not an ass, and yes you should try lsd asap.
  16. floridasucks

    heroic doses of lsd

    i just had a heroic dose of lsd and the next day things looked different. i wasn't choppin down trees or somethin.
  17. floridasucks

    heroic doses of lsd

    hah... just all the regular trees around big ones like palm trees and stuff, not cannabis.
  18. floridasucks

    heroic doses of lsd

    haha wow.. ive had one very insane trip on one and a half hits of white on white. i was watching half baked, a movie ive seen countless times and within 15 mins i had no idea what movie it was. i knew i was in for some serious shit. the people in the movie were coming out of the tv and my...
  19. floridasucks

    Molly MDMA pics
