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  1. jdell424

    Favorite Guitarists Of All Time

    John mayer, pretty big fagoo but good on guitar. B.B. king-revolutionary. robby krieger. jerry garcia.
  2. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    I saved all my water from this watering tonight in a bucket. Now take that and test its PH? and yeah man i was laughing, seriously said outloud "this guys gotta be so stoned right now"
  3. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    whats a good way to check when they need to be watered again?
  4. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    wait you think their overwattered or underwattered
  5. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    Thats what i thought but everyone is saying every 2-3 days, and when you do pour enough to where water comes through the drain hole at the bottom, then stop. have i been misinformed?
  6. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    when using fluros some say a couple inches some say as close as possible, which is correct?
  7. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    yeah i tried to put more around them for extra support, i have big hands so avoiding the toothpick tying is best for me
  8. jdell424

    Fluro's and seedlings. Strange growth w/pics

    The seedlings are about three weeks old. Up until yesterday all were strong. Two have started to what seems to be wilting. I have the fluros as close as they can be without touching. They are on a 2-3 days watering schedule. With one very diluted feeding under their belts. Should the fluros...
  9. jdell424

    When you use miracle grow, do you saturate the soil as you would with regular water

    Pretty sure one of my "8" posts says my watering schedule. its every three days @cranker I read your info regarding MG, my soil is mg and has nutrients in it but I have a 3:1 perlite, so no on further nutes until flowering?
  10. jdell424

    When you use miracle grow, do you saturate the soil as you would with regular water

    When you use miracle grow, do you saturate the soil as you would with regular water? :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
  11. jdell424

    How often, how much in your opinion. Miracle grow plant food (12-4-8)

    I have the liquid miracle grow all purpose plant food. [12% nitrogen] [4% phosphate] [8% potash] [.1% iron] [.05% manganese] [.05 % zinc] Instructions-mix 1/2 teaspoon per two quarts of water and apply every 2 weeks to the soil. I have mixed 1/4 teaspoon with 2 quarts of water. Cutting...
  12. jdell424

    Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.

    i have since decided which to keep and which to expel. I have removed the domes and done some fan adjustment as well as switching from 24/7 to 20/4. They are flourishing.
  13. jdell424

    Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.

    Bump. Id like more advise than one person
  14. jdell424

    Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.

    I just moved them up for the photos
  15. jdell424

    Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.

    The light is 1/8" away from the top of my dome, I cant get any closer without removing the dome.
  16. jdell424

    Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.

    They started to do that about three days ago, on the first day I tried to support them with more soil, but to no avail.
  17. jdell424

    Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.

    I started these beans a little over a week ago. Everything was doing fine until out of no where they started falling over, not all but a fair amount. Im using 4 4' fluorescent plant bulbs. Half of the beans were started in soil I got from outside, it seems to have a fair amount of clay, the tops...