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  1. W

    Help Please

    She is good then because she held together pretty good. I see. So it is just me being impatient with her lol. Okay after I fix the soil I will not mess with her until it is time to do the final transplant into the biggest pot. I will have to do that last transplant because I want to at least...
  2. W

    Help Please

    Okay cool. Would it be a problem it it was not very solid? I mean it looked okay to me. I mean she had a few roots all the way to the bottom of the first pot, but the rest where around the middle area of the pot. The root ball was probably about the size of a golf ball or maybe a little...
  3. W

    Help Please

    After picking a little amount of perlite out of the other soil. I now think it is worth the money to just go and buy a bag of it and save myself some time and work.
  4. W

    Help Please

    Right now I am grappling with whether or not to temporarily take her out of the soil and aerate it because it just seems a little too compacted to me. I am going to add some perlite regardless of whether I aerate it or not. What I did to get some perlite was I picked it out of another soil and...
  5. W

    Help Please

    It says it has 4 dry quarts or 4.4 liters in the bag. Yeah I did plant it a little low in the pot. I ran out of the soil for the transplant. Yes, I am using MG Organic Choice. I will see about getting some perlite. I am just trying to do this grow as cheap as I can and still get some...
  6. W

    Help Please

    I could not find FFOF in the store I went to. They were out of it. I might go and try the other store sometime this weekend and try to get some. For now I just went ahead and transplanted my clone temporarily into my 10" pot filled with MG organic soil. Here is a pic of it:
  7. W

    Help Please

    The First cheap soil is Long beach Shavings co. and the second cheap soil is Agromin. I think I will get the FFOF it sounds like a good option to me. I might try the cheap ones as a fun experiment when I cut some clones from this one.
  8. W

    Help Please

    The first bag of 99 cent soil has the following things in it: Composted forest products, peat moss, washed nursery sand, and dolomite lime. The Second bag has: Recycled green material, Redwood bark, perlite, and sand. Just thought I would list it so you could see what it has in it. I definitely...
  9. W

    Help Please

    Thank you everyone for your advice. Any other advice for a first time grower would be greatly appreciated. I may post some more pics in like a week just so I can give the transplant some time to take hold. Should I use the cheap soil from the 99 cent store? or the MG? Just curious which would...
  10. W

    Help Please

    Thanks for the advice. The only other soil I have is stuff I got at a 99 cent store which is super dry and does not retain a lot of moisture. So I figured that the MG soil might be better than that one.
  11. W

    Help Please

    I just wanted to know whether or not it is bad to transplant into that soil or not? I have read it is bad to give young clones nutes because it might burn the roots and kill them.
  12. W

    Help Please

    I have chose a soil medium for my plant. Since that is how I got it. I will move it to a bigger pot today. The problem is the miracle grow organic soil I have has nutes in it (10-5-5). So I am kinda apprehensive about transplanting it into that. What do you think about the soil Timmahh?
  13. W

    Help Please

    That was equivalent wattage. I have one more of the 75w daylight CFL bulbs. Would that be enough for now? I mean I do plan on upgrading once she gets bigger. I am just operating on a small budget. I do have a fan to blow fresh air on it and strengthen its stem. I just forgot to mention it lol.
  14. W

    Help Please

    I am new to growing, but I have done a good amount of research before starting. My problem is this: When I got my clone her top leaves had yellow tips. Now her top leaves have light brown tips. I am Using one 75w Daylight CFL bulb for light. I have not given her any nutes yet because I...
  15. W

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello I am Weed Samurai. I am new to both here and growing. Just thought I would drop in and say Hello.