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  1. M

    Tripping the fuck off ambien WTF? weird..

    Naw it def wasnt... Neither was the nose or the vein though, people use both of those on a daily basis... Oh and NP88, if it was a Victoria secret model id let her go thumb lol...
  2. M

    Tripping the fuck off ambien WTF? weird..

    Ive personally never shoved anything up my ass to get high... Thought about it at a rave once but decided to just eat it lol... I do think it tends to be our society's fear of Homosexuality that it isnt accepted though... Your ass hole isnt much different then your nose as was stated. The...
  3. M

    Tripping the fuck off ambien WTF? weird..

    Damn i def wasnt aware of that... Thanks for the info lol.
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    Tripping the fuck off ambien WTF? weird..

    Yeah Ambien is a trip if you can manage to stay awake... Dont know how you did lol... In high school i got prescribed it, took one pill(10mg maybe) and straight zonked out. Next morning i didnt even wake for school, apparently my mom poured a glass of water on me and all... Dont know how...
  5. M

    The Rarety Of Mescaline

    Canndo i couldnt have said it better myself! I would def pay 35$ for 450 mg, WELL WORTH IT... I mean either way your going to pay $30-40 for 3-4 hit's of shitty acid you might as well pay $35 for a SOLID dose of mescaline.. I personally didnt find the body load to intense either, i mean i...
  6. M

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Well im no expert so dont quote me on this. But apparently according to CHINACAT(who is family) deep within the dead family there is a Needlepoint family, Fluff family, Silver family, etc. From what ive read is different recipes produce different types of crystal... That's just what ive...
  7. M

    Where can i purchase the REAL Absinthe in the USA or Internationally?

    I thought the U.S. lifted their ban off absinthe... I cant handle that stuff... Not a black licorice fan at all..
  8. M

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    BBQ... It could be just the fat that they used Amber Crystal... Or even champagne or something a long those lines. Ive ready that color depends on recipe and purity... The more pure the lighter in color it is...
  9. M

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Man i would really edit that... Probably not smart to openly say that on here. Congrat's though... NP is straight fire... Mmm i love it!
  10. M

    Friends heroin dose

    I agree with Warrior... Heroin is ripping her off. Heroin just loves to fuck you and everyone else around you over. Ive had quite a few friends get hooked on that shit, after a while i got sick of babying them and just let them hit rock bottom. Some died, some recovered, and some...
  11. M

    Bitter Tasting Blotter Tabs...

    Thanks for the info... What about Ug's? Labs only im assuming... I know used to test pills for a donation. Is their a site that does this with dose? Would be nice on some future occasion..
  12. M

    dmt has all the info you need... Also just look through this section of the forum, their are TONS of threads about DMT...
  13. M

    Friends heroin dose

    That really is too bad. Ive seen heroin ruin and end a couple of my friends lifes.. No good. I hope she get's a reality check before it's to late..
  14. M

    The Rarety Of Mescaline

    Very confident and very content! Seriously... You just know everything is going to be alright... Mmm i love Needlepoint.. So so good. Trust me Mescalito is a lot less intense then dose... Well atleast in smaller doses it is, i can imagine fat doses getting pretty heavy... Maybe you just...
  15. M

    Anyone else experiene a recent, strange desire for a Subway?

    Haha i hear ya about it's legal status. As of right now that's the only reason im not growing... Keep your hopes up though, states or going medical every single year. Yours could be next, who knows... Hm never heard of it.. Ill be sure to be on the look out for some, if you say it's one of...
  16. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Damn that sucks im sorry buddy... Ive always wondered that to... What if you accidentally dropped a bag of k, 2cp, 2ce, or anything like that. I know in my hood 99% wouldnt be smart enough to test it, they would just bust out a fat line and see ya buddy lol..
  17. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Yeah i hear yeah man, i kinda feel the same way about D to... Always trips me out to think about people heating up their machine with a blow torch... Im curious to see how it would work... My guess is that the D would completely over power the K during the peak but once you hit the after glow...
  18. M

    Anyone else experiene a recent, strange desire for a Subway?

    You could if you had the desire to... See Marijuana over all things is my passion in life, i love everything about it. Learning to grow is so awesome man, so much satisfaction! Plus let's be honest, growing herb is cool. Also there is nothing more rewarding then smoking a bowl with...
  19. M

    The Rarety Of Mescaline

    I mean that could be... I honestly abused the shit out of MDMA so i dont really like it much these days. Honestly it just remind's me so much of what MDMA used to be for me, like mdma, with Mescaline i felt very confident and content.. I dont really know how to explain it, their is just...