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  1. spiritmedicine

    End of flush feeding. Ooops!

    So as to not open the can of worms of to flush or not to flush, let's say for the sake of argument I believe in flushing (I did just do a two week flush after all, though don't always). The key point is how much nutrient will have been uptaken into the plant material, and would it be enough to...
  2. spiritmedicine

    End of flush feeding. Ooops!

    Yep, good idea. I'll do that. Might even harvest top buds and flush/ripen lower buds for another week or two. They are pretty ripe though. Have done all the reading on the flush/don't flush debate too, it seems to me that the particular nutes used, strength of feeding, state of plants, etc...
  3. spiritmedicine

    End of flush feeding. Ooops!

    Here's one for ya. Two weeks since last regular feeding (Floranova), one week since last Overdrive feeding, plants were accidentally fed today with mid-strength Floranova bloom. I was going to start harvesting as of tomorrow. Cut them fast and maybe they haven't absorbed much?? Or is it...
  4. spiritmedicine

    small harvests

    Cool, thanks for your experiences. I guess the big question I have is about the hard water thing. Is 300 ppm too high? I am looking at buying one soon to help my current crop, but it is $600, I really don't want to drop that if I don't have to. Any thoughts? It seems to me that 300 ppm is...
  5. spiritmedicine

    small harvests

    Hm interesting, the Floranova Bloom has a fair bit of N in it, 4-8-7. I was surprised, but it has really good reviews, so I wasn't worried about it. The leaves are really green and never show any sign of yellowing.
  6. spiritmedicine

    small harvests

    OK thanks, yes my friends do grow in 10 gallon pots. I do have some Big Bud and Overdrive I am using for this one. Do you think a shorter veg time would help? That said, I kinda figured the total production would be based more off the amount of light than the amount of soil. As long as...
  7. spiritmedicine

    Always problem in flower.... Whats going on????

    Once the leaves have yellowed, they won't green up again when you add N, but it might slow further yellowing. I've heard and read about really limiting the amount of N they get when in flower though, so you should read up on it.
  8. spiritmedicine

    Always problem in flower.... Whats going on????

    I had this same thing when I was using Earth Juice. Not sure that it's really a problem, but I would say it's a nitrogen thing. The plant is drawing nutrients in from the leaves to feed the buds. I was getting decent harvests despite this, but yeah, some nutes have very little or no N. You...
  9. spiritmedicine

    small harvests

    Hey guys, I've been growing for a few years, have encountered and overcome lots of problems, and finally getting good results, but.... Small harvests!! My plants (Purple Kush) are super happy, week 6, no signs of deficiencies, Temp is under 80F, seems like good air flow, using Floranova Bloom...
  10. spiritmedicine

    Cannabis Access Regulations Study

    I don't know if this has been posted previously (or if it is still active), I just came across it. It may have an impact on future regulations (if there is a government willing to listen to patients). Might be a way to have your voice heard by someone who wants to listen. If you want to grow...
  11. spiritmedicine

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    So, does anybody have any clarity as to what is acceptable to HC as qualifications for the QA person? Experchem is putting on a QA workshop in Toronto, but suggest that it will not be acceptable as credentials for the job, stating that "the definition of training to be the qualified person is...
  12. spiritmedicine

    So you wannabe an LP...

    Just checked out the "Leadership Team" of Tweed, that is some scary business. Those guys know a whole lot about money, power and politics, and fuck all about weed. That right there is the dark side. The way I see it, the rich elite are pissed that us grass roots folks can treat ourselves with...
  13. spiritmedicine

    QA requirement

    Any thoughts on Greenline's course? I emailed HC to ask if this would give the credentials, but am expecting another standard cut and paste reply referring to the regs. Would the course credentials appeal to other producers who are looking to hire out? Frustrating how grey the regs are and...
  14. spiritmedicine

    QA requirement

    Found this on HCs Natural Health Products pages: See items 15 - 25 (esp. 16). Full of legalese, using a whole lot of words to say very little, but might help to clarify a bit of what they are looking for...
  15. spiritmedicine

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Kootenaygirl, I already own the property, have been growing under the MMAR, bought it as raw land, with a 2000 sq ft shop on it. Got a really good deal, which is why I bought it. Was a former grow op, which makes it pretty ideal for a current and future grow op. It's all ready to go, just...
  16. spiritmedicine

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Looking at zoning for my site, the local regional district has not yet decided on if and where LP licences will be allowed. They are looking at Heavy Industry usage, at a cost of $1400 to change your property zoning, plus a wait of six months before approval. Guess I will wait to see what they...
  17. spiritmedicine

    Hey there, thanks for the message. Definitely lots of questions about it all. Lots of...

    Hey there, thanks for the message. Definitely lots of questions about it all. Lots of speculation on certain items in the regulations, and will be nice to get clear understandings, either from HC, or from other producers in the process. I've not been in touch with HC yet, but am gathering...
  18. spiritmedicine

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hi all, have been reading here for a while (thank you all for your great input!), thought I'd say hello... I've been studying up on the new regs, and still am wondering: Is this feasible for small-scale production?! More importantly, is this what HC is looking for and approving? Has...
  19. spiritmedicine

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Thanks for this thread. I am considering this as well, on a similar scale (in central BC, btw). Lots of questions about the new set up rules. With regards to surveillance and monitoring, is this to be real time monitoring by a security company, or just recordings that can be reviewed later...
  20. spiritmedicine

    Property owner rights

    Thanks. Also wondering about the risk of having a friend stop by to check on things and do some watering occasionally. While technically illegal, is it something that people have been in trouble for? Do people get busted for tending someone else's crop? Also, how many growers can you have on...