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  1. en4cer123

    do they sell this?

    does anyone know if they sell big bags of miricle gro organic choice and if so where
  2. en4cer123

    ive heard of this but never tried it

    i havent even attempted to grow anything im trying to get all the steps thought out before i even order seeds
  3. en4cer123

    ive heard of this but never tried it

    see was that too hard
  4. en4cer123

    ive heard of this but never tried it

    do you put the whole cola in there or just the buds?
  5. en4cer123

    ive heard of this but never tried it

    if you dont have anything to help me with dont waste my time and yours typing stupid shit.
  6. en4cer123

    ive heard of this but never tried it

    ive heard of people drying on newspaper i was wondering if anybody has tried this cause i dont have the space to hang up what im growing
  7. en4cer123

    ive heard of this but never tried it

    ive heard of people drying on newspaper i was wondering if anybody has tried this cause i dont have the space to hang up what im growing
  8. en4cer123

    Perlite Substitute

    can i use the food grade? cause i found that in 50 pound bags
  9. en4cer123

    Perlite Substitute

    i really dont want to use perlite i have asthma i was wondering if there was something else i could use maybe more for less? cause i know perlite is cheap but you only get like a little bag i would need a lot of bags (looks a little shifty if i did that)
  10. en4cer123

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    idk if this is in this thread already but this place has a lot of different things that are really cheap and good shipping prices i use it for growing containers they have square ones here that are good hope this helps some folks :)
  11. en4cer123

    is there a place to get perlite in the winter?

    i looked at some of the places they sell it and they all say they dont stock it in the winter
  12. en4cer123

    i need to know a good price for perlite

    im looking for the most perlite i can get for cheap online but i dont know what a round of about price should be i was wondering if people could help me out
  13. en4cer123

    i need a hybrid name

    im mixing blue Himalaya and pineapple express and i cant think of a name for the combo
  14. en4cer123

    need another hybrid name

    this time im doing blue Himalaya and pineapple express
  15. en4cer123

    is there any place that sells male seeds?

    yeah no worries i dont really worry about anything people say on here cause it all helps
  16. en4cer123

    is there any place that sells male seeds?

    im just trying to pollinate them and i thought it would be cool to use two different kinds
  17. en4cer123

    is there any place that sells male seeds?

    im trying to cross breed witch means i need at least one male seed so i was wondering if there are any places that sell guaranteed male seeds
  18. en4cer123

    has anyone ever tried this?

    lol yeah i noticed that too when i did mine i left more on i also used non refundable cans
  19. en4cer123

    has anyone ever tried this? im going to try making thees kind of reflectors and i was wondering if anyone else has tried them and f so how did it turn out
  20. en4cer123

    i need a hybrid name

    thanx for all the help i think i lke Hawaiian snowdrift the best