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  1. Mauiwaui1988

    My first grow

    Know how do I get these ones off do you know...hate using my cell phone can't do nothing right
  2. Mauiwaui1988

    My first grow

    Dam wrong pictures...
  3. Mauiwaui1988

    My first grow

    Thank you for your help...
  4. Mauiwaui1988

    My first grow

    I did get the bottom...I wish I had neem oil but can not get to nearest place that sells you think it will harm my younger plant's...
  5. Mauiwaui1988

    Welcome to my page

    Welcome to my page
  6. Mauiwaui1988

    My first grow

    Anyone know how to post pictures???
  7. Mauiwaui1988

    My first grow

    I am growing maui waui and big buddha cheese... They are outside in full sun...I had spider mites and was interested about how insecticidal soap works...I diluted it a little with water and I honestly don't know what to expect...when the sun comes up I will post pictures of what they look like...
  8. Mauiwaui1988

    Welcome New Members!

    High you can either call me farmer john...I am currently growing ma.ui waui and big buddha cheese.I am waiting for my 48x24x60 grow box...I will do a better intro tomorrow...I want to create a community of legal growers in my area that want to trade clones info and even seeds.