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  1. floridasucks


    nice cacti eza...
  2. floridasucks

    what is wrong with me...

    that would be nice, thanx
  3. floridasucks

    what is wrong with me...

    yea im thinkin i need some type of cleansing...
  4. floridasucks

    what is wrong with me...

    well im plenty experienced with acid. i know u gotta sit back and relax thats all ive been doing. after i dropped that last hit i didnt think about it till my buddy said something. i know all about set and setting and everything you need to trip good. im in the best mood before i do...
  5. floridasucks

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    haha for real whats up with u and anal. u got that shit on ur mind or somethin? hahaha im sorry to hear that, try again and dont tell anyone this time.
  6. floridasucks

    what is wrong with me...

    at most id take 2mg alprazolam every 2 weeks.
  7. floridasucks

    what is wrong with me...

    nope nothin but beer weed and a few bars every now and then.
  8. floridasucks

    what is wrong with me...

    for some reason, lately ive been having alot of negative responses to things i take. ive always not been able to trip on shrooms until i took some crappy lookin PE's and had my first experience. heres that trip...
  9. floridasucks

  10. floridasucks

    brix+, silica, glass, and lead EVERYONE MUST READ!

    i got some of this shit the other day. it deff had some powder on it, it was a dry powder that tasted sweet. the weed was shit.
  11. floridasucks


    i use a normal pipe screen in my bowl or bong, i just throw the deems on that then cover with dry basil. i maybe wasting sum but it works fine for me.
  12. floridasucks

    Bulk monotub shroom grow.

    i personally think its fine to incubate at room temp, it may go a tiny bit slower but theres also less chance of contams.
  13. floridasucks


    haha for real. 10mg ur just barley touching on what this stuff can do. it will blow your mind, just watch.
  14. floridasucks

    Bulk monotub shroom grow.

    will do ANC, thanx. hows ur stuff lookin estes?
  15. floridasucks

    Another! wat R YOU smokin thread. but they always fun tho

    does the middle one say moon candy? more ak, just chopped..
  16. floridasucks

    Bulk monotub shroom grow.

    the one in the picture is a random syringe i had, maybe golden teacher. i also have Hawaiian, B+, PE, and ATL#7 in various stages of growth.
  17. floridasucks

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    the grape looks yummy. heres some ak47..
  18. floridasucks


    good job shep. ive done the recrystallizing the way ur doin it before and it does work well.
  19. floridasucks

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good

    nice mixes hitch.