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  1. kogislife420

    How is my plant looking?

    I loved the start of the forum hahah nice fuck around guys :P gave me a giggle
  2. kogislife420

    hermie Plants

    pull the sack off, how many plants fo you have?
  3. kogislife420

    First grow with my own seeds

    Im keen to get some og in soil
  4. kogislife420

    First grow with my own seeds

    oh yeah, Ive got this one mad plant, aussie bagseed, from what Ive heard its purple of some sort, I smoked the pot, didnt take notice on what it looked like but it was the sweetest pot Ive ever smoked, up there with O.G Kush my mates got the biggest stock of seeds for Og, ill have to get some...
  5. kogislife420

    First grow with my own seeds

    Okra is a huge source of nitrogen, it puts nitrogen back into the soil
  6. kogislife420

    First grow with my own seeds

    Leaves are looking skunky, what strain is this again?
  7. kogislife420

    Seeds of Africa- Durban Magic?>

    Im gunna order some of these seeds, how are they so far ?
  8. kogislife420

    Do your friends know you're growing?

    My grandpa had a mate, they were at a party. He was the professional swimmer for the area and hhe drowned, his other mate went to walk over a little hill to have a piss, the bump was like the size of a little coffee table he got half way fell over pissed his pants and passed out Datura was...
  9. kogislife420

    When is the best time to Top a plant?

    Topping, I only top unhealthy plants, I topped my big buddha cheese and its nice and healthy, Ive topped it several times, harvest in 2 months, yield should good its getting almost a 7ft bush first time ive done this :)
  10. kogislife420

    Germination rates and poll

    Paper towel absorbs moisture and dry out way quicker qlso if you just pop it in some srm itll stay a nice wet with a bit of drainage
  11. kogislife420

    Germination rates and poll

    Yeah, it got you that high you didnt even know what the hell you were doing or if you sat down got high and wanted to get up you think of every action you can do to get up :P
  12. kogislife420

    Supercropping help please

    oh luckily I grow in soil all I needed to know is what plant foods and fertilisers to use and what slope to put my plants on :P
  13. kogislife420

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    sexay :D how much was the pull? anndd how many times did you top the PP?
  14. kogislife420

    Supercropping help please

    what? dude I did like 2-3 months of research and I (sorry I dont want to sound bad or like a dickhead) think I could write a book on some of my knowledge so many topics, if I red 9 months of info id be a genius lol
  15. kogislife420

    Germination rates and poll

    I beg to differ I had skunk seedlings pop after 7 days, that skunk what ever it maybe have been was a one cone wonder sorta stuff :)
  16. kogislife420

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    do you know if this plant is toppable ?
  17. kogislife420

    Supercropping help please

    Yes, if you cannot find that anywhere that is a go go, I had my first grow and I even found that out, you get it and sway it back and forth not very bad and try not to snap the whole thing when you try it because the op of the plant can be bendy because of its fast vertical growth, I had stem...
  18. kogislife420

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    Got some sproutlings up now, 7 powerplant seeds popped, 7 white widow plants, decent grow I should have hopefully, shouldnt worry about thieves or bugs so that's good,
  19. kogislife420

    How to get a customer?

    no one tracks this ?