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  1. OGxBLU

    SF Backyard OPINIONS.

    i see what you mean you have plywood? plywood makes for good raised beds if you are creative a lil you will come up with something to last a while and do its job....
  2. OGxBLU

    Seedling care?

    Why don't you just put it out in the sun? That's what I do...
  3. OGxBLU

    SF Backyard OPINIONS.

    Do you have dirt in your backyard? Or its all cement? If you have dirt i guess just plant a seed or clone and water it and feed it with natural food like egg shells banana is some info i found online that someone posted.... Rainwater Water isn't considered food, but houseplants...
  4. OGxBLU

    looking for some kind help or advice

    Treat it like the plant itself like when you touch the plant sometimes you dont press so hard on the stem that it snaps right? Same with roots play around with it pretend they are boobies and gently squeeze them LMAO.. no but I'm serious
  5. OGxBLU

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Nice to see someone else is growing Jesus OG ... I'm growing it first time outdoors... Overall any comments on the strain since you have grown it before>?
  6. OGxBLU

    Sexing seed plants by taking clones

  7. OGxBLU

    2014 Outdoor Grow LA Style

    Never tried it... What I am trying new this year is Xtrem Mykos Beneficial fungi
  8. OGxBLU

    Sexing seed plants by taking clones

    You can get the clippings from the plants and pretend like you are rooting them just like clones.... You don't need to root them at all just set them in rock wool or some medium and 12 hours of light in one to two weeks you will definitely know the sex of your plants... They really don't need...
  9. OGxBLU

    2014 Outdoor Grow LA Style

    Hey thanks bro I'll post pics as often as I can.... I promise inexpensive gardening at its finest on my page... Unemployed this year so I gotta make the best of what I got! Happy growing everyone!!!!
  10. OGxBLU

    2014 Outdoor Grow LA Style

    Here are some of my plants outside... Soils I used varies between plants... I have used Promix HP for the majority of plants but then i realized that Promix 3cubic ft is priced at 27 bux and its pretty much peat moss mixed with perlite... Why not buy peat moss myself and mix some perlite...
  11. OGxBLU

    Where to buy budget soil in bags

    I like Peat Moss .... I bought a 3 cubic feet bag of it for 12 bux at home depot.. Works great with perlite and worm castings... In your case if you want something to add to your soil and save money with quality I'll go with peat moss big bag and great medium...
  12. OGxBLU

    2014 Outdoor Grow LA Style

    Sorry if the pics are too big but I'll get the hang of it... These grows are from a few years back until just a few months ago... I've grown Monster 8 feet tall 12 feet wide plants outside but unfortunatly the only pics I had at the time were with my Ex-Gf's camera.. LOL sucks I Know.... I'm...
  13. OGxBLU

    2014 Outdoor Grow LA Style

    Hey everyone I was a member here a few years back but I forgot my user name and which email i used... So neways I love to grow cannabis outdoors or indoors.. but my favorite or far is outdoors due to the size of plants I can grow... This year I started early with various strains I got from a...
  14. OGxBLU

    When are you putting the girls outside?

    My babies have been outside since a month ago and I'm from Los Angeles... The seedlings are doing just fine... But some of my clones started to flower on me since they barley got about 13 hours of light... So now I put all my ladies under 1000watt MH until 11pm after it starts to get dark....
  15. OGxBLU

    Growing Season Baby!!!! Here we go!!!

    Growing Season Baby!!!! Here we go!!!