2014 Outdoor Grow LA Style


New Member
Hey everyone I was a member here a few years back but I forgot my user name and which email i used... So neways I love to grow cannabis outdoors or indoors.. but my favorite or far is outdoors due to the size of plants I can grow... This year I started early with various strains I got from a grower that has family generations growing in Humboldt....

Seedlings strain = Headband x Afghani
Apricot Diesel
G13 Hash P x Headband x Afghani
Trainwreck x Afghani
Bluedream x Trainwreck
Grape Ape x Rom
(XXX) ?? Random Seeds from previous grows

Clones = Bluedream x Grape Ape = My favorite
(XXX) some kind of Indica don't know genetics
Jesus OG Anyone ever tried growing Jesus OG its Hell's Angel OG and Jack the Ripper

I'm real interested on the Jesus OG because I never grew it outdoors we will see what happens...

Any thoughts or comments on the strains?

Thanks everyone! Follow my thread as I will update frequently with followups and pictures!!!


New Member
100_1571.JPG 100_1570.JPG 100_0321.JPG 100_0387.JPG Big Bud.jpg

Sorry if the pics are too big but I'll get the hang of it... These grows are from a few years back until just a few months ago... I've grown Monster 8 feet tall 12 feet wide plants outside but unfortunatly the only pics I had at the time were with my Ex-Gf's camera.. LOL sucks I Know.... I'm going to post pics of my new outdoor grow soon follow up!!


New Member
100_1576.JPG 100_1574.JPG 100_1575.JPG Here are some of my plants outside... Soils I used varies between plants... I have used Promix HP for the majority of plants but then i realized that Promix 3cubic ft is priced at 27 bux and its pretty much peat moss mixed with perlite... Why not buy peat moss myself and mix some perlite... right? Some soils are over-rated and over-priced... I rather do experiments myself and see which soil mixtures bring the best results for each strain....


New Member
He'll yeah man let's see it , the indoor looks fucking dank !!!!!!

Hey thanks bro I'll post pics as often as I can.... I promise inexpensive gardening at its finest on my page... Unemployed this year so I gotta make the best of what I got!

Happy growing everyone!!!!


Well-Known Member
He'll yeah man that's what's up lots of people will be able to learn a thing or two it's always good to save on costs

And I like the home made pro mix idea that's cool
Have you ever tried roots organic it's a camo bag it's really expensive but works great and is packed with all sorts of good organic nutes I wanna try and make my own and kind of copy there mix


New Member
He'll yeah man that's what's up lots of people will be able to learn a thing or two it's always good to save on costs

And I like the home made pro mix idea that's cool
Have you ever tried roots organic it's a camo bag it's really expensive but works great and is packed with all sorts of good organic nutes I wanna try and make my own and kind of copy there mix
Never tried it... What I am trying new this year is Xtrem Mykos Beneficial fungi