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  1. M

    Opinions on My Art

    Hope you had a good time last night buddy. Cant wait to see your new pics!
  2. M

    Enter The Void

    This movie was very interesting to say the least, def a movie unlike anything i had ever seen before... To be honest it kinda disturbed me though, Oscar had such a warped dark view on life. Def not a movie i would ever want to watch while tripping out... Also just a hunch but im pretty...
  3. M

    the chitown sourkush thread

    What's good Chitown, how you been? Fuck man the last couple days have sucked hella bad, ripped my grow cab down... Im done until i can finally move out to Colorado which will hopefully be within these next 6 months..
  4. M

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Lol it is possible... The owl(mullock) is a very well respected symbol within occult like beliefs...
  5. M

    Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)

    Tht's sweet man, hella creative!
  6. M

    Opinions on My Art

    Well thank you puff, im glad you can find some appreciation in it. I actually have played with glow in the dark pain a little bit, mostly while tripping. One time me and a buddy ate 500-600ug's of needlepoint and went down their and painted the universe... It was such a cool feeling, just...
  7. M

    Synchronized Hyperspace Event

    Keep me posted cause im def down... I set forth to hyperspace yesterday at like 6 in the morning... Man what a great way it was to start off my day. DMT=Nirvana
  8. M

    Ndangerspecimen's Synergistic Pick of the Month...

    Ndangered my man, good to see you back with us... I will be stoked to try this combo... Well with a little Needlepoint added to it :D Yum!
  9. M

    Opinions on My Art

    Madness all around haha. Im getting some good idea's though for yours... Especially as i was laying in bed spinning around the other night ;)
  10. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Tried my first bump of K 2 night's ago and i gotta say... WoooHoooo. Didnt do much, only 60mg or so, just wanted to know the feeling before i take a fatty bump... All i can say about it is... My body sinks as my sole rises...
  11. M

    Opinions on My Art

    Also may i recommend something... Try some water colors for the fill then use a fine point black sharpie to outline it. I promise it will make it POP!
  12. M

    Opinions on My Art

    Very interesting patterns sir. Keep it up! As they say practice make's perfect so if you enjoy it just keep on doing it... My first painting A more recent one... Actually painted this for the Paul Van Dyke rave out here...
  13. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Well it's better then slipping into a K-hole and never coming out...
  14. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    I swear i saw his report but now i cant seem to find it... Help please?
  15. M

    Blue heart E pills? Pic

    Cant really tell with that image... Seeing as how it look's like the pill is in the shape of a heart id assume that more then likely that pill is piperazine and not mdma... Just a hunch though..
  16. M

    Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)

    Yeah no doubt. We will get some creativity going for sure, twist some swisher's and drink some whiskey. You snowboard at all man?
  17. M

    Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)

    Oh and fuck i almost forgot to comment on your office paintings... Man those paintings go hard over the fence, so talented man, keep it up!
  18. M

    Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)

    Damnit Bushy you are one funny fucker man... Hand's down man, if i ever come out to your hood we are getting together, painting, smoking mad blunts and drinking 40 after 40 haha.... Also i want to meat the Hamberger man!
  19. M

    How Do People Make LSD?

    Good luck man... Dont get busted cause we will never see you again!
  20. M

    Do I have L?

    Man i love LSD but that metallic taste make's me want to throw up, ewwww. I literally just gagged..