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  1. pingweed

    lights heat 8 wk pics clone 1st: )

    yes going to get mylr today put this in a big hurry was going to put plants outside till i smoked and it was what we call 911 so i thought i would keep strain going
  2. pingweed

    This place is full of narcs...

    is there any way they (pigs) can track on here without us telling where from?
  3. pingweed

    lights heat 8 wk pics clone 1st: )

    so i have been on my 1st grow nor for 8 weeks i have grown outside for 15 yrs my 1st inside my grow box is 1 3" 2 6" 4 feet high been running 6 cfls 6 weeks 24/24 last 2 weeks 18/6 sexed them and pulled 2 lones off both plants babies doing great 7 days old MY 1St thanks to this site. So i want...
  4. pingweed


    grow box,clones
  5. pingweed


    not sure yet on heat light should be here on 9/21 i have 6 plants in veg under 6 cfls in a grow box 18 by 30 by 4ft the flower box is same size but useing this light this is my first indoor been outdoor 15yrs sun is a lot easer lol
  6. pingweed

    A Deadhead's first indoor Adventure.

    i am growing with 3 100 cfl and 3 75 cfl ran lights for 24 hrs stright for 6 weeks now are on 18/6 last 2 weeks cloned 2 babies off each all doing great
  7. pingweed

    mac VS windows

    my pc is shit my mac never gives me any troubles
  8. pingweed


    worred about heat been using cfls 6
  9. pingweed


    just bought this light fof 6 plants any1 using it? NEW 400w BOTH HPS+MH GROW LIGHT 400 watt Reflector hood - (eBay item 180157056480 end time Sep-24-07 18:30:00 PDT)
  10. pingweed

    flowering with CFLs

    these are 8 weeks took clones 3 days ago 24/24 for 6 week 18/6 last 2 weeks
  11. pingweed

    My 1st Grow 2 Months

    for 6 weeks 24 hrs on no rest now i am on 18 hrs on 6 hrs off going to flower next week ...
  12. pingweed

    My 1st Grow 2 Months

    not sure got seeds from a buddy he does not know U know?
  13. pingweed

    My 1st Grow 2 Months

    here at pics
  14. pingweed

    My 1st Grow 2 Months

    This is my 1st grow. started 24/24 for 6 weeks went to 18/6 last 2 weeks both plantes showing sex both mommies did my 1st clone 2 days babies looking great... Using dirt .lighting 3 75- 3 100 cfls Looking Good I think Using MG for fert , any comments good or bad
  15. pingweed


    Can i clone with the botom leaf? There is 2 plants 4 weeks old
  16. pingweed


    looking to clone this plant with the bottom leaves? Anyone know what kind it is got seeds from real great smoke that was grown under lights?
  17. pingweed

    My 1st grow 2 weeks old

    yes 2 week old cfl soil in a grow box
  18. pingweed

    My 1st grow 2 weeks old

    Started on the 13th looking good for little more the 2 weeks old:blsmoke:
  19. pingweed

    Who are you? a/s/l

    45/ M/ wisconsin. just started my own grow