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  1. B

    Dwc turning yellow help plz

    Im new to growing and i literally dobt know just in need of severe help oh and using normal tap water which comes to ph 7.8
  2. B

    Dwc turning yellow help plz

    My ppms come to 300 - 330, ph is 6.3, water temp is 20 - 21c, rh 60 and temp 27-30 day night 23
  3. B

    Dwc turning yellow help plz

    Heres some clearer pics and im adding 0.75 micro and grow to every ltr and theres 11ltrs in there and also 11ml calmag 50ml rootgrow
  4. B

    Dwc turning yellow help plz

    Hi there im growing some chunk in dwc and was wondering what could it be turning my bottom leaves to droop and yellow pics addedhelp plz