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  1. B

    Question about Urine

    Ha Ha, very good question. Don’t use urine older than 24hours on your plants as the urea turns into ammonia and will burn your plants. Fresh human urine IS STERILE. (unless there is a urinary tract infection – this urine should not be used) and so free from bacteria. I recommend that...
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    What´s Wrong? :(

    For the root going into nute solution you should have put a root mat in the bottom. A good tip for next one.
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    What´s Wrong? :(

    Are you sure the mineral water is 5.5ph? I have checked many mineral water brands and they are all 7ph neutral. You maybe should check ph metre.
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    Can't seem to pinpoint lack of, or abundance of, Nutrients.

    It is nute burn. Hydro is very easy for this to happen, especially because you don't have ec metre. The overdose of nutes has most probably caused other problems. An overdose of anyone element will almost certainly lead to a lack of another nutrient. All these problems on here (this forum) are...
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    Why so droopy?

    They are too short to flip yet get them a bit taller first.
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    too much light?

    Believe it or not but it is possible to give you plants too much light. A seedling would probably be the most susceptible to this.
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    Need help

    Magnesium is another candidate. Could you provide as much detail as possible about you grow, age, feed, setup etc.
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    Need help

    Have you got pics. - Nitrogen Deficiencies Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow...
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    Can't solve Powdery Mildew after week 4 of bloom. Need advice

    Also make sure you give your grow room a real good clean between grows, the spores may be stored some where in your GR just waiting for humidity to rise. Bleach the walls floor ceiling, give a proper scrub.
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    Can't solve Powdery Mildew after week 4 of bloom. Need advice

    Powdery mildew thrives with humidity over 50. You need to lower it. Get a dehumidifier. If you can keep it low enough then the mildew cannot cope with it. The milk does definitely help but it does not get rid. The humidity is the key. I have only had once and the dehumidifier sorted that and...
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    any advice

    I some times use hps when in grow. It can really perk them up. As long as you on atleast 18/6 plant won't flower.
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    Crispy Leaves

    Is this affecting the whole or just part of the plant?
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    Twisting, discoloration, leaf edge curling????

    The most common causes of leaf cupping is over fertilizing and heat stress. Are the leaf very dry, almost crispy?
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    2 more weeks of flowering help asap wat is this brown stuff

    And where about on the plant is it?
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    2 more weeks of flowering help asap wat is this brown stuff

    Is the leaf dry and crispy where the affected area is?
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    silly little bitch hermed on me!

    I don't know where your looking I don't see anything that looks like a male. How old is it? How long in flower?
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    Mother F***ing Fungus Gnats

    Fungus gnat = women's tights. Put women's tights over to tops of the pots. It is guaranteed to stop fungus gnats getting to the soil. I don't know about the potato peelings? Rotting vegetables near my plants, no thanks I'll pass on that lol the fungus gnat larvae are just maggots really apart...
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    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    Just checked the soil he is using on net and I don't think the label displays NPK values. It just says it has got NPK in it. Lol I don't think it is designed for our specific use. I also found this description of multi purpose compost, which I think is very accurate. Multi Purpose composts are...
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    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    I don't think anyone has said seedlings don't need nutes, of course they need nutes. But most soil already has quite a lot of nutes in them. You can get some soil that will feed a plant for 8 weeks. I don't feed nutes to any of my seedlings and my thrive just from what they get from the soil...
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    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    I think supachaka could be half right, those pots will wick the moisture out of soil pretty quick. Maybe to quick. Do not keep your soil soggy wet. I have seeds in regular pots now and i can go days and days without having to water them. You must allow the soil to dry out to a degree, this...