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  1. $ava6e

    How Is U.S Weed?

    it depends the source in america. i can get some kill and i can also get some babbage. but the good will have me stoned out my ass for about 1 gram. blunt maybe a half gram out the bong.
  2. $ava6e

    A Dumb Anti Weed Guy

    wise words.... but fucc the guy who is naive to the positive possibilities marijuana can have on the economy. also expanding some ones mind. Lol
  3. $ava6e

    is it still too early to tell if sativa or indica?

    thanks. how should i prop it up?
  4. $ava6e

    is it still too early to tell if sativa or indica?

    i cant really remember what kinda hi it gave me so idk. hopefully indica. another ??? i went outside to water and the wind had my baby bent over almost touching the soil and ive never seen this. when it stopped bein so windy went back up but i dont know if its bad for the plant or not?
  5. $ava6e

    The 1000 Things To Do While Stoned Thread!!!!!!!

    19) surf rollitup. 20) SMOKE MORE BUD! 21)make a sandwich
  6. $ava6e


    im in lower bama. what part u at?
  7. $ava6e


    nice long hi enjoy....:)
  8. $ava6e


    nice long enjoy....:)
  9. $ava6e

    is this bagseed sativa or indica?

    idk. the leaves are still a little fat. but the plant is stretching
  10. $ava6e

    Shout out your town and price!!!!

    any where from orange kush to mango kush. one salesmen grows his and the other buys his and raises prices a bit.
  11. $ava6e


    that sucks. i dnt think i could handle that..Lol
  12. $ava6e

    are backyard weeds bad for my plant? first outdoor grow.newbie

    Lol i took some pics today and the leaves are gettin fatter and its growin bushier by each set of leaves.
  13. $ava6e

    Shout out your town and price!!!!

    any where in the south you can get an Oz of some str8 mid for 60-80$ grandaddy purp is $15 a gram kush is around$10 a gram
  14. $ava6e


    after a few months of shitty south alabama bud. . . I GOT ME SOME PURP!!! tht grandaddy $15 a gram. i got 4 grams for 50. wat yall xheefin on? post pics
  15. $ava6e

    i know its early but anyone know about how much longer i have till flowering?

    aight. hopefully when i move i can find a spot and start over. plus, better bud there than where im at now so free cheap seeds..Lol
  16. $ava6e

    i know its early but anyone know about how much longer i have till flowering?

    my bad. i never grown before. and aint rly up to tha temrs n shit. but yea im tryna figure out wat i should do. i have four weeks before i move back up the highway and kinda sketchy bout puttin it in the car with me.
  17. $ava6e

    Your Stoner Lingo

    gettin lit. blited. high. fucked up. cheefin. burnin. blazin. smokin. " hittin tha pipe" green, ganja, bud, reefer(reefa), trees, do-do Lol i know some people that say when they are almost dead to the world cuz they are so hi ("IM HI AS SHIT" ) lmao. from the southern states of america