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  1. crispy93

    leaves turning yellow/brownish

    this is them as of today
  2. crispy93

    leaves turning yellow/brownish

    thanks captbooyah. its just weird that they were all doing fine and then they all started doing this at the same time. before when i watered them the cups would be completely dry by the next day, but its almost as if they stopped drinking. the cups are still wet/heavy. ive pretty much written...
  3. crispy93

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    My leaves started drooping and then when I got up this morning they were brown and yellow. Over/under watered? Using fox farm ocean forest and no nutes. Just tap water. [/URL] Uploaded with[/IMG]
  4. crispy93

    leaves turning yellow/brownish

    So my plants are a couple weeks old under four 26 watt 6500k cfls. Lighting is on 24/0. They were doing great up untill this morning. They're starting to yellow and brown and edges are curling. Ffof soil and haven't used nutes or anytthing. Use just tap water which is from a well. Temps are are...