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    question from noob

    Hey guys i have a reflective clamp light with two cfl bulbs in it {4800 lumens} do you think this is enough lumens to grow a plant? thanks
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    TEK 2 Question

    Hey Guys I know The Tek 2 light from HTG is excellent for vegging but what is it like for flowering stage? thanks for any comments
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    light fell... help

    it will be fine
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    question from noob

    Hey guys I am getting this growtent with a 1000w dimmable greenhouse ballast 6 7gallon bags,FFOF soil, and I am using IGUANA grow and bloom juice as the base nutrientsand other advanced nutrients such as voodoo juice bigbud b52 and overdrive and for the seeds i am getting chrystal seeds from...
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    Hey guys which grows better plants HYdroponic or soil???? thanks
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    Noob wants to show you guys something!

    Ok so i wanted to show you guys what is possible when it comes to growing dope with fluorescents and these fluorescents were not even T5s they were T12s.The dope in the pictures was grown by a student with just two fluorescent 4' tubes and as far as I am concerned this mj looked good! So...
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    question from noob

    Hey Guys because of my money situation I can only afford Fox Farm Nutes.I am buying the whole line of them and using FFOF soil using a T5 grow and bloom bulb in my closet .Have any of you guys used these nutes and had success? comments appreciated thanks
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    question about 150 watt hps

    Hey guys how tall can I grow a plant with a 150 watt hps approx? thanks
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    Question about advanced nutrients

    hEY guyS i HAVE A 150W hps fLORALUX AND i USE FFOF soil NOW if you had access to all of the advanced nutrients which would you use on northern lights autoflowers from Nirvana??????? I appreciate any comments because I know most of you are pros at this stuff so I take suggestions...
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    Noob question about CMH Lights

    Hey guys i heard that CERAMIC METAL HALIDE bulbs run much cooler than hps or mh so i was wondering if i could put a 400w CMH LIGHT in my closet with a few clip fans to keep it cool.Do you guys think thats a plan or am i looking at causing a fire? appreciate any comments!
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    question from noob

    HEy Guys if you were given a choice which would you buy a 150w HPS or a 90w LED UFO(equivalent to 400w HPS so they say)????? thanks
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    question about 150 watt hps

    Hey Guys does anyone know how high above the plants a 150w hps can go before it loses its penetration? thanks
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    Hey guys how do i cool an open air reflector like this one in the picture?
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    Hey guys I am thinking of buying a 7 band 135w ufo led from HTG.Now i have seen this particular led and it is BRIGHT! Do you think it still has the same penetration levels as say a 400w HPS?---thanks
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    Question about 175 watt MH light

    Hey guys could i grow from seed to harvest on just a 175w MH light? thanks
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    HEY guys does anyone know where to get a 150watt MH conversion bulb? thanks
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    question from noob

    Hey guys im getting a 150w HPS and will be keeping it in an enclosed closet.Does this size light get hot?I can put a 4" flange on it and 4" inline air duct on it if need be to cool it down What do you guys think?
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    question from noob

    ok guys just out of curiosity which would you rather have a 250 watt ceramic metal halide light or a 400 watt Hps light? thanks I will base my buying decision on your opinions
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    question from noob

    THANKS for your opinions guys
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    question from noob

    HEY guys what do you think of this T5 system? it has 20000 lumens it costs $299 do you think i could grow some good plants in this system? i would appreciate your opinion-thanks