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  1. G

    seedling wilting?

    I also have a fan blowing on it
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    seedling wilting?

    Well its a hempy there is a rez inside the cup and the wilting is getting worse maybe should i put the lights a bit higher 4 23w 6000k cfl
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    seedling wilting?

    I dont understand i came home from work to this i dont know why last feeding water and 1/4 20 20 20 hempy bucket 75 perlite 25 verm under cfl light bending?
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    Overwatering hempy bucket

    is it possible to over water a 75% perlite 25% verm hempy?
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    Hempy solo cup

    where should i make a hole on solo cup for 1/4 verm 3/4 perlite
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    seedling mix

    how often should i water them? 25.5 c rh 50%
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    seedling mix

    soo it would be better if i do 50/50 perlite verm?
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    seedling mix

    should i use 1/3 peat moss shrimp compost / vermiculite / perlite?
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    hempy bucket Question

    could i use organic nutriments and mycorrhiza in hempy bucket ? perlite vermiculite
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    dishwasher soap helps water to penetrate soil but you can go without it peroxide too its only additives
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    remove humidity dome when seed pop out
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    direct soil: water soil thoroughly to get at least 50% extra run off add a drop of biodegradable dish washer soap you can put peroxide up to .05% to keep bacteria off and put humidity dome or salane wrap or plastic baggie
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    good ph down can be vinegar and backing soda as ph up and you can keep them in water up to 24h and you can add peroxide (drug store 3%) 1 part p to 1 part 10
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    i dont have a heat mat but you can put salane rap over container untille seedling pops out to keep humidity up and temperature should be around 25.5C for best results
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    nutriment in soil can burn delicate seedlings roots
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    or paper towel method but in my opinion it must stress seed tap roots
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    never put seeds more then 24h in tap water you can add 1 part 3% peroxide to 10 part tap water for germinating at a higher concentration it kills bacteria you can add up to .05% so 1 part peroxide 5 part water
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    soil stats : 1/3 perlite / vermiculite / spagnum peatmoss shrimp comport (sterilized at 200C for 30 min mixed with root xtender(microbial life)) water additives: i've also added 1/2 teaspoon molasses and 1/2 table spoon of lactobacillus serum germinated seedlings in cup of water for 18h then...
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    Anyone ever use Homemade nutrients?

    in order to grow the healthiest plants possible you must honor the basics. too often do people look for the flashy techniques, tips and tactis, when rather if they just followed and mastered the basics of cannabis cultivation their bud QUALITY and YIELD would increase naturally!