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  1. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Plant#6 she is doing well. Fim is included tonight. And yes I removed the hair.
  2. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Amen... And tru St this grow has had bumps. Check out my thread in grow journals if u would like. It's also called pop tart
  3. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Plant#3 this plant has been in the dark for a short time. She is finely getting some hairs I'm so excited ... Plant#4 She is looking good. I hope she stays good I'm about done fixing her up
  4. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Omg thanks for the laugh I did my self lol. Thanks for the love
  5. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    So I did not put plant #2 in the dark today but I got pics of all plants and clones. So sit tight... Plant#1 so yeah I do see that she has been pollinated. It's sad that she will have seeds. But at least she is a she... Am I right...
  6. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Hello everyone!!!! This is so exciting. I'm about to show you all what plant#2&4 are looking like today. I am only using tap water just a fyi. Plant#4 Plant#2((my b.a.m))" bad a@@ mom
  7. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    So I guess it's time for a update it's been a while. Some big changes in my grow. It's all kind of crazy but I'm loving it. I have 1 mom plant ((plant#2)) I also have for now 3 of my mom's clones as "potential mom's" but here they are . Fast update on the other mom I had, she went into the dark...
  8. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Last one. Again I'll post all plant in a couple of days when my baby gose into the dark Plant#1
  9. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    I'm only going to post the flowering plants. That's only 3. I'll post them all ina few days when I put plant #1 in the dark Plant#6((fim included)) Front view plant 6 Just a bud Canape view ###fim Plant#4 I think I'm done with her tricks Plant#4 front view
  10. Itisobvious35

    The Vault - More Promos, More Stuff To Win!

    Thanks for the chance to win @teamvault @SidV @lizzit
  11. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    The non flowering non dark plants and clones only change is size. Plant#2 will go into the dark next along with what ever clones I keep idk if I want my top from plant#2 as a mom or a dark.
  12. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Last flowering plant. Plant#6 she is the worse looking one I got. Pictures of "fim" are included
  13. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Plant #4
  14. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here are my flowering plants. They are all doing ok I think. Plant#1 blossom very nice
  15. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here is my in the dark plants. Plant#3. A update on this lady if you can recall I had bent her basically at a 90degree angle well she has un bent so I did some low stress training on her and tied her down.
  16. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Last two clones that are in the dark.
  17. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Clones continued... All clones are off plant#2. Who will be put in the dark this coming week at some point. Not sure when yet.
  18. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    So I never finished my post the other night . So I thought I'd post now. Anyway here are my clones that are in the dark. The only change with them is they are getting bigger. but it's only been one week tomorrow. Comments are encouraged as long as they are positive. I love the...
  19. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    More clones... All the clones pictured are all off mom plant#2...
  20. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart
