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  1. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Thank you and there is a lot more to come it's still early check out my thread in grow journals aswell it's called you guessed it pop tart
  2. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Ty for the words of wisdom... I do plan to rehomed all my plants. I have a thread in grow journals aswell please feel free to check it out it's also called pop tart. I have some grow lights for my mother plants. The rest go in natural light for 12 hr and dark for 12. I am growing for personal...
  3. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Next are all 6 plants together Now for the mom's were they are under 24 hour light no exceptions at all they spend maybe a hour in natural light so I can water and take pictures
  4. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    So I said I'd post a few more pics this evening and here they are the first ones are just the 4 " in the dark" plants all together these next ones are all the "in the dark plants " were they go to sleep
  5. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    HEllo everyone this is my first grow I'm growing inside here are my two mom plants if u would like to see all my plants please check out my thread in grow journals also called pop tart. I am open to comments and feed back so feel free...I am growing in my closet so I have limited space I have a...
  6. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Thank you
  7. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    The last post I did was of a mom plant so I decided to show off 2 of my "in the dark plants" if you check out my thread in grow journals also called pop tart you can see all my plants feel free to comment I like feed back
  8. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here are my mom's together
  9. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here is plant #4 she is going to get tied down soon so the inside can get light. I just hope my shelf is big enough. She is thriving also a mom she has become my favorite plant I love to show her off as you can see in pic 4 she is a girl that's 2 for team girl plus 11 clones from her that are...
  10. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Her is plant #3 yes some of her leaves are yellowing... They will be removed latter this evening. She is a mom plant as of right now
  11. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here is the picture of the second 1/2 of the "in the dark" plants. Together they stand. They are off to a good start. Also pictured here are my clone. As you can see they are now perking up so that is a great sign again tonight after 7:39 my time I will post them all together also I'll post one...
  12. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    What can I say about this plant #6... She is going to be very very bushie. She has yet to show me her sex organ. But I'm sure all my babys are female.
  13. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    The next few sets are of the second 1/2 of my " in the dark" plant #5&#6 the first ones here are #5 she has been "in the dark" for well today is going to be day 2. For those who don't know I am force budding due to space I am growing in my closet so space is limited please don't be to hard on...
  14. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here is 1/2 of my "in the dark" plants together I will have a pic of all 4 of them later b4 bed. They look so pretty for doing it with just a green thumb and some love a little help from the sun. They both love the sun...
  15. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Ok here is plant #4... She looks to be fully recovered from her drain hole issue. She has been " in the dark" for 8 days. Meaning again (12&12) I am likening her progress. If you zoom in on the 7th picture you can clearly see she is indeed a female. Score 1 for team girl.
  16. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    So here it goes. Liet start with plant #1. She has been " in the dark" (12hr) and light (12) everyday for 8 days now she has been making me sick to my stomach. All the ups and downs with her. She is starting to look better. Again I know she needs a bigger home that will come soon. I see a tiny...
  17. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Ok the moment everyone has been waiting for the winners of going into the dark next and he winners are plant #5 and plant # 6 so 6 is going as is but 5 will be cloned and topped first
  18. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    My garden in full all mom's as of now
  19. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Plant #6 what can I say about her she is a bushie mess I love her she is small but very nice to look at
  20. Itisobvious35

    Pop tart

    Here's plant #5 she is not much to look at she is growing with a slant cuz a few weeks ago she was knocked over and bent a little she is just going with it I have tried to get her to fix but she will do what she wants