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  1. I

    The "EarthTainer"

    I saw this page linked in another thread, really got me thinking how nice they could be Has anyone seen them before, maybe used them? I'm thinking they could have good results, with that reservoir you can plant in different places and not necessarily be...
  2. I

    Need Help Please! Temp around 100 Degrees

    Hey man you say you got a 500cfm inline from home depot, is it direct wire unit? Also how loud is that beast? I'll be honest I dont know much about cooled bulbs vs. sealed hoods.
  3. I

    Need Help Please! Temp around 100 Degrees

    My first setup think I'm gonna go with sealed hood, torn between inline vs squirrel fan for exhaust (noise), gonna try passive intake. Goal ~2x3' cab 250-400w digi ballast, sealed hood, temps just under 90 with a heat resistant strain. I mean under IDEAL conditions get it lower, but I've seen...
  4. I

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    I dont sell but careful who you sell to. Common sense right? Good example, watch that show DEA. They routinely start investigations from the ground up, bust a user, bust their street hustler, then bust their supplier. They always make the arrest, threaten jail time, unless they flip and give up...
  5. I

    Could you replace a 1000w HPS with less wattage of LED and achieve same results?

    Even if that meant using say 800 watts of LED, could you eventually get up to the same levels of intensity, canopy penetration etc on less wattage? If so, how much less wattage could you get away with? Imagine you had a cooled 1000w HPS lighting up a 3'x3' area well cooled 18" from the canopy...
  6. I

    How Much Can One Plant Produce?

    This thread makes me wanna grow 20 foot sativas