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  1. L

    Collecting Seeds?

    no no... i get how they are formed, just wondering how i collect them.. like say i dont chop the plant down when i do the others.. will it continue to make seeds and drop them onto the ground etc. or do i just keep checking for split seed sacs and pull them out?
  2. L

    Collecting Seeds?

    I dont know if im posting this in the right area, if not mods... please move. ive searched the forums and have come up empty handed. im wondering how one goes about collecting seeds and how to tell when to collect them off of a female plant.
  3. L

    Stealth grow dresser, 12 23w CFLs, LST + scrog screen, white widdow + sour desiel

    im really surprised no one has said anything but... you should flip the lights around so they are not point down but across.. like the long side of the bulb should face the plant.
  4. L

    First grow, First post

    heres an update, plants continue to grow, everytihng is going great etc. wondering whats the average veg time. bigger one is going on.. 6 weeks i believe thinking its almost time to switch. took my first clone of the bigger one ( nothern lights fem ) hope it makes it.. i think ive done...
  5. L

    First grow, First post

    well since it is so short, i have topped in 2 more places along with starting LST. i have no idea when i will start to flower to be honest, maybe in 3 weeks.. which would bring it close to 6 weeks veg. any thoughts? I also picked up a 50 cfm bathroom fan, which has lowered my temps alot and...
  6. L

    Low-tech CFL Grow

    nice nice, one thing ive learned. take your time. hahaha. let them do there thing and grow. :) but pictures dont hurt.
  7. L

    First grow, First post

    is it common for it to be as bushy as it is?.. is it because its so close to the lights?
  8. L

    First grow, First post

    So its on day 15 since breaking the soil. It needed a friend so i cracked a WW seed also. Ive topped it but id also like to try LST, but the damn thing is quite bushy... should i put more space between it and the light so it stretches out some?? Forgive the nute burn seems 1/4 is still strong...
  9. L

    First grow, First post

    the nutes that ive been adding are for root development. and the container says to add it 2-3 days after it has sprouted. to be on the safe ive only been giving 1/4 like most people start off with. the nutes... which i know arnt the best etc.. but were free due to my wife having them are...
  10. L

    First grow, First post

    So i've been reading alot like most people. about 6 months.. tried my hand at a quick make shift cab for veg. the seed cracked on the 14th and has been growing quite good. started using my wifes plant starter food.. which is 10-52-10 once the bean had sprouted. It looks like my reading has...
  11. L

    Homemade LED fixture?

    Does anyone here have one? I currently am in the process of switching to LED on my marine aquarium. Id rather give LEDs a go over PC. So whats your thoughts. Heres what i`ve gathered WW - Warm white NW - Neutral white CW - Cool white now the plan was to just order more of what...
  12. L

    Which size buld is right for me.

    i've gotten that from another post but is it proven? should i go with say 26 watt over 42 watt? like is it better to go with say 4 42 watts or like 8 26 watts? (I cant spell bulb. lol)
  13. L

    First Time CFL Incognito Dresser Grow

    Dont wanna sound stupid.. but the pictures are with the top open. how are you going to be able to work in there with the lights in the way once the plants start growing?
  14. L

    First time grower, look for ideas etc...

    its fine i dont mind alittle wondering from my thread... since i wont be able to re-veg if its an auto flowering. would i be able to make 3-4 clones from it? if so when would i.. before it starts to flower i assume?
  15. L

    First time grower, look for ideas etc...

    So ive gotten pretty tired of paying decent money for some shady herb. so why not grow my own i thought. ive been on the forums about 2 weeks read etc. im looking into suggestions on what i should be growing. heres what i plan to work with. 2x2x3 foot grow area. cfl bulbs. 6 bulbs total, 42...