Low-tech CFL Grow


Active Member
Finally gonna start but some major changes in the setup due to cost. Just gonna use the big 125 watt CFL for now and have a 2 foot by 2 foot space in my closet cleared out. I just put 6 beans in some damp paper towels and keeping them warm over my computer tower untill they germinate. I know I am not gonna get a big yield with 31 watts per square foot at the beginning, but my goal is four females in the space with more lighting when I have the funds.


Active Member

Here's the six fat beans. I wish I could've went with my original idea setup but I will have to make do. Going fully organic with my nutes and soil is gonna be the fun part. Any ideas on how long a mix of 50% potting soil plus 50% compost will feed a plant before I have to add more nutes?


Active Member
On a good note, my grow area now has 5 feet of vertical grow space which should be ideal for a few 4 foot flouro tubes in the corners.


Active Member
Just thought of something. Since I am doing 8" diameter pots and plan on having 4 females at most, the square footage is only 1.8 feet if the pots are touching giving me almost 70 watts per square foot if the plants are directly under the big 125 watt cfl.
My first successful grow was approximately 50 watts psf and I got just barely 1/8 ounce dried from each plant since I was quite new at growing anything indoors, had very old flouros, and didn't let the buds fully mature (being anxious to smoke my first grow didn't help).


Active Member
Less than 24 hours and one of the beans has split alittle! I can just barely see the tiny white root through the gap in the shell...I will let the root come out about 1/8" before planting in soil.


Active Member
everything looks great. My only suggestion is to get more light in there. A bunch of those cheap 26watt curly CFLs would do nicely. More light = better yeild (for the most part).


Active Member
I will add more lights when my funds allow. The big 125 watt cfl should get them through the first few weeks of veg well enough :)


Active Member
Just scored two free fixtures with working T-10 bulbs from a neighbor that is replacing his shop lights. These should be ideal for additional side lighting.



Well-Known Member
Yah throw those two bad boys in! For now you should be fine with the light you have since you are only in VEG, but once your in about week 2 -3 of flowering your going to want to add more light...maybe more of those t-10s if you can source them


Active Member
Got the two beans that popped into the pots. Still no sign of the other four splitting yet, but it's barely been 40 hours since I started germinating.


Active Member
yes, I have the 125w cfl with 6 curly cfl 27w bulbs as side lighting and I'm having great results with ebb and flow system.. so I'd imagine you'll do just fine for vegging out.. keep up the good grow.


Active Member
have you tried soaking the last four beans in a cup of water for couple of hours??? i just popped some beans that took 24-72 hrs so i guess 40 is right in the middle.


Active Member
have you tried soaking the last four beans in a cup of water for couple of hours??? i just popped some beans that took 24-72 hrs so i guess 40 is right in the middle.
They are between damp paper towels in a glass with cellophane over the top...temps are about 75-78 degrees.