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  1. S

    Growing celery indoors

    Watch that thing throw down come harvest :lol:
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    BK’s shit show

    Man that thing is weird lookin
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    Best led light?

    I was skeptical of black dogs but my little sisters boyfriend scored one on Craigslist for cheap. I think it’s the 200 series, one of the smaller ones. That little thing rips in his 2x4 tent.
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    Light burn? Heat stress?

    Doubt those LEDs are 1200w each
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    Which brand are you a FAN of?

    I’ve got a second hand max fan that’s been going hard for over 6 years. Problem with max fans is that you can’t control the speed without a variac and those are pretty expensive. I just run mine 24/7 at 100%. It’s loud without a muffler tho
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    R:G:B ratios for different Kelvin White LEDs

    Stole this from @bk78 but to me it looks like his pulse pro meter can give you the info you’re looking for.
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    Minimum nutrients in soil

    Nice. That’s what I plan to do as long as I keep using FF. I just gave my first feeding because the plants were starting to show the tiniest bit of deficiency symptoms but it’s only at 25% strength. Plant to step it up to 100% over the coming weeks before I flip.
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    Temps in flowering with leds

    75 is fine. A little warmer would be better but probably not noticeably so. If you supplement with CO2 then higher temps are more important
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    Shit my body hurts all over after a full day skiing.

    Even bombing a hill seems dangerous to me. I used to ride the park a bit but my big thing was dropping cliffs in the back country. I’ve hucked myself off many drops over 15 ft yet both times I got hurt, it was at the end of a run going slow lol
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    R:G:B ratios for different Kelvin White LEDs

    Why not get some supplemental far reds for crop steering? According to Bugbee, far reds have good potential for crop steering. If you wanna get way deep into it you’re gonna have to build boards or strips with separate channels for each color. Seems like a lot of extra work for minimal proven...
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    R:G:B ratios for different Kelvin White LEDs

    What’s your end goal here? Trying to build supplemental lights or what? I just recently started reading up on spectrum so I’m curious as well
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    Ro water conditioner

    Hmmm that’s odd. Have you checked your water quality report from your municipal water department to see what all is in it? I was able to get mine from a google search. Might give some clues as to why you’re having that reaction. I’ve never grown hydro but I feel like everything I’ve read says RO...
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    Ro water conditioner

    Ohhh. Missed that. Yeah that’s a lot lol.
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    Ro water conditioner

    And 3ml per gallon isn’t really that much calmag. I grow in soil with tap water and use a minimum for 3ml of cal mag
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    Ro water conditioner

    Your tap water is probably hard and that build up could be from mineral deposits.
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    Starting a shed grow

    Ha I did the same thing for my fresh air filter! Built a custom box with two hepa cabin filters for an Audi S4 that I got from work. It works well! I doubt you’ll have much of an issue with humidity in Ireland. I have never been so cold and wet in my life as I was after nights out in Galway...
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    I need some help please

    Ok. What lights did you buy? You sure they’re powerful enough. Almost every led light sold on Amazon is bad and the only way you’ll grow decent pot with them is if you have a lot of them.
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    4 weeks into budding and this happens, help please. Can i flush it while its budding. I think its an auto flower and ive been growing since nov. 17th

    And if you don’t wanna spring for the pen you can get ph drops in the pool section at Home Depot or on Amazon. And ph up/down will run you $20 for both. It’s pretty important.
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    My Pandemic Project featuring Chinese LED Strips

    veg is boring. Recently wrote an automation script on the Pi to control humidity using my small 4” extraction fan. Dehumidifiers suck up a ton of electricity so I wanted to see if I could get away with not using it. Surprisingly it worked! Had to bump up my temps just a tad to maintain VPD but...
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    I need some help please

    What lights?