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  1. FuckMyBudz

    what are BOG seeds?

    ?? ok pleaaseeee help??
  2. FuckMyBudz

    Plant dying NEED HELP

    I am assuming they were vegging outside too? May be to much heat over that time period...Or if they were vegging inside it could be the temp difference.
  3. FuckMyBudz

    help help my plants gone to sleep

    Why would the plant hermie because its gone to a 45 degree angle??
  4. FuckMyBudz

    Plant dying NEED HELP

    yes if its burning them!
  5. FuckMyBudz

    what are BOG seeds?

    someone help
  6. FuckMyBudz

    Lighting for my clones..please help!

    yes it is...thanks. exactly what spectrum should i be looking in? and how many would i need for 35 clones and 60 early veg?
  7. FuckMyBudz

    Lighting for my clones..please help!

    I already have a t5 that i'm using for my older veg...I have a shelving system I want to use for my clones and babies just transplanted to cups. I'm looking for something a little more compact to fit the shelf (3'x10')
  8. FuckMyBudz

    need help with veg lighting for babies

    I want to veg my babies (still in cups) under cfl/long fluorescent bulbs. I have 60 plants, just transplanted from cloner. 1. How many bulbs do I need 2. What wattage should I be using
  9. FuckMyBudz

    Lighting for my clones..please help!

    I want to install fluorescent style lighting above my cloner. I have up to 35 clones in at one time. What wattage bulbs do I need? How many bulbs? I'm hoping to be able to use 2' or 3' lights.
  10. FuckMyBudz

    I am 7 weeks into flowering and bottom leaves are yellowing and dropping

    Could have been a couple hot days with not enough wind...
  11. FuckMyBudz

    My first grow

    ok...i'm really confused by the pictures..are both "plants" growing in the same pot or is your weed growing a strain of pond lillies out the side?
  12. FuckMyBudz

    Whats up with the curly leaves

    please help
  13. FuckMyBudz

    why are they curly

    this is Sour Diesel and it's 5 weeks into flower. It's my first time with this strain so I don't know if it's normal that the leaves around the buds are curling like this. Any input is appreciated
  14. FuckMyBudz

    Whats up with the curly leaves

    This is our first round of sour diesel and we are 5 weeks into flower. We've got these curly leaves growing out of the buds and I just want to know if this looks normal
  15. FuckMyBudz

    My sad plant needs serious medical attention. Please Thanks.

    use a stick and a piece of thread to hold it up, get a fan going or lightly shake the stem base back and forth for 30 seconds 4 times a day to simulate wind and that will make the stem stronger.
  16. FuckMyBudz


    gnight everybody, im off to bed thanks for all your info :)
  17. FuckMyBudz


    well thats good info to know maybe ill try that next round
  18. FuckMyBudz


    ooops sorry i didnt see my post until i posted it again lol so i do 18 hrs light 6 hrs dark for my flower. Does it take longer the way you do it?
  19. FuckMyBudz


    oh ok. What is the difference between 12-12 and veg?
  20. FuckMyBudz


    oh. what's the difference between 12-12 and veg?