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  1. Y

    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Yes, plants out at 6am then back in at 6pm. I'm in LA
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    i was thinking of my flowering solution when it hit me, instead of being sneaky and exchanging my veg for flower bulbs and vice versa every switch, let me use my sunny SoCal southern exposure and finish outdoors. This way I can use my closet as a permanent vegging chamber and flower outdoor...
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Thank you for your suggestion. Just an Apple IPhone 4S
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Day 21 of veg... Explosive robust growth. Have run out of vertical space concerning the Louis. She is growing at just over an inch per day. Still 7 days left
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Transplanted to 2 gal smart pots on day 8 of veg.
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    I agree with frequent calibration. Did it three times to be sure. I think the stretch you see is courtesy of PO. They were just put under the lights before that pic was snapped. There is almost 60 watts beaming down on these girls and I didn't want to do a "Last Starfighter" on them. P.S...
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Ok, I will attempt to veg 2 plants that I picked up from PO Genetics. They are a Headband and Louis 13 in 3d. Canna coco coir hand watered Botanicare cal mag and pure grow pro @5.8 18/6 light schedule moved the light 12" away from plants after photo was snapped let's see where they are in a...
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Hello again all. I traded in all those bulbs for three of these... I think I will be good to start when the time comes with this configuration.
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Thank you RIU LED Brigade!! I appreciate the kind and encouraging words!
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    What up Dog, my new fav cave troll. I'll go outdoor before HPS.
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    we're good now! this will be my first grow so is 28 grams doable with 2 plants in the 2 gal smart pot? i will use coco coir and hand water like in the olden days.
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    I accept your challenge! I'll put up the $ and work for the grow against your reputation. if the lights with any available spectrum fails then you are right all along and the egg will be on my face. If they do work then your rep is shitcanned since you are so positive of failure. My $ vs...
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    The only counter I have to your assertion is we shall see about that.
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    You haven't given me a reason why it will fail. Who are you to say it will fail? What exactly constitutes failure? please answer to be taken seriously. I don't know you from a hole in the wall
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    I stated I had a backup plan in the event of a failure. I'm covered both ways. Yes, give it more thought. Straight up you're a fuckin Orc
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Not true! Even if they utterly fail at growing, there is the silver lining of 12 led bulbs for around the house. This is an experiment and I am not afraid to try. It looks like I gave it more thought than you.
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    Phased Plasma Rifle in a 420 watt range

    Just what you see in this thread buddy. Haha Hello Team LED of RIU! I am starting an indoor grow soon and I would like to get your feedback on a led solution that I A-Teamed together from some uncommon household products. so without further adue doo... BEHOLD! This will be...