Search results

  1. TaoWolf

    Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

    Yeah the pollen is surprisingly lightweight and fine! Very similiar to talcum powder. Accidentally exhaling in the general direction of the pollen when taking the picture (even while trying not to breathe on it), I could see some pollen particles kicking up into the air under the light. Doesn't...
  2. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    They open fast... I saw one had opened, went to get the camera and stuff, and within about 10 min. the second one had dropped all that pollen on another leaf. I just gave the plant a really little bump while holding an open zip-lock underneath some of the bracts and got more pollen than I...
  3. TaoWolf

    Stealth Cabinet Build!

    Another awesome suggestion since I've got the poly and stuff laying around and wouldn't have to go get lost in a hardware store... Going to be my next little project the next time I get bored. Funnily enough though, the plants flowering in my cabinet don't seem bothered by the rather large light...
  4. TaoWolf

    Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

    Just took this picture of a couple of male flowers that literally just opened, I have a pointer going to a male flower that is just about to open within hours as well. Should give you an idea of what to be looking for I hope:
  5. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    ... ... ...
  6. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    One of the flowers opened up last night on the SW male and I now have some pollen. I'll post some pictures up here later after I pollinate a few branches and get the male plant gone.
  7. TaoWolf

    Headband and Chemdog! 600 watt Hps

    Hey I'm interested in knowing how you like using Sweet and molasses (you mentioned it on BKB's thread). Update me on that if you can remember!
  8. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    You need to clear out your inbox bro.
  9. TaoWolf

    How long can you store weed in glass jars?

    In a few thousands years, this will be you in a news article: :weed:
  10. TaoWolf

    Waste of money!?

    You have 11 plants though right? That's going to require a crazy amount of bulbs, wires, and plugs if you go the CFL route! I don't have anything against CFLs - not bashing. But if I were you I'd be looking at getting a high wattage HPS or two or at least HO T5s.
  11. TaoWolf

    Check Out My New License Plate!

    Last time I was at the hydro store they gave me a few General Hydro and other related hydro-oriented bumper-stickers to slap on the car... And I won't even walk around with the plastic bags they use that has their store logo on it out of paranoia - I'm sure as hell not going to advertise I'm a...
  12. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    I'm no expert and was hoping to be educated here a bit - I haven't even used molasses before. I'm just familiar with the theories I've happened to have read about on here like support for microbes which in turn support the plant... breaking the ionic bonds of mineral salts that have built up...
  13. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    I'm going to start calling you Grow-Meister BK after seeing your last picture update by the way.
  14. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    I have a bottle of Clearex and it lists glucose and sucrose as 'non-plant food ingredients'. I was just quickly looking online and from what I can gather it works to flush/clean mineral salts on the same principle as molasses (and it's mixed to be isotonic). Thought I'd mention it since you...
  15. TaoWolf

    The Musings of Serapis

    Yeah you could cut out a single larger hole for a net cup and do DWC in a little 3-gallon. But a 5-gallon bucket and a net pot bucket lid can be had for about the same price and doesn't require any work to modify for lazy people like myself. lol Just throwing out the idea of using those...
  16. TaoWolf

    why not 26 hour days?

    Here's more info on the topic along with references and links. Not my work.
  17. TaoWolf

    The Musings of Serapis

    A 3-gallon bucket plus a Leak-Tite lid at HD/Lowes is under $10, won't leak at all, and you can do 20+ sites easy.
  18. TaoWolf

    Full 8 weeks flowering today is this normal???

    I stole this randomly from the web: She's a pretty plant.
  19. TaoWolf

    why not 26 hour days?

    Circadian rhythms are genetic and inherited from parents. On planet earth, plants (and animals) inherit instructions on how to operate within a 24 hour long day. You can go outside of 24 hour day/night cycles a bit without issue but if you go too far (by a few hours at most usually), the plants...
  20. TaoWolf

    2 x 60w is okay for my 1st grow ?

    If you keep your lighting at the right height, a 600w will be just as good as a 1,000w as far as photosynthesis is concerned. It's more a matter of footprint - or how big of an area needs to be effectively covered. For example, and this is all just rough figures: A 600w 18" above a plant...