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  1. J

    Week 7 flower all fan leaves are dying!!!ALL

    I have an Autoflower Skittles in which was stunted the first three weeks of its life it's in week 7 flower buds look good trichomes look good but every single fan Leaf is wilting off not the sugar leaves but the fan leaves every one of them it did start by yellowing on the top of my plant and...
  2. J

    Help please i think it's dying???

    What should i do what is this deficiency???
  3. J

    Help please i think it's dying???

    It's exactly what it seems like as out just keeps progressing and its all over pin to bottom middle inner canopy is 6.4 in 6.4 runoff. Nutes half strength ff trio. Removed rough looking leaves so i could see any new i am very confused 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 50...
  4. J

    Help please i think it's dying???

    Does it look like it's deficient or autumning off??? I'm really scared it's dying!!!
  5. J

    Help please i think it's dying???

    That's what i thought a few guys online said my play waa to bushy and needed defoliated...I'm a dumb as i knew this read it over and over still can't fix my girl tho???
  6. J

    Help please i think it's dying???

    Oh no i defoliated today ive tried researching everything i can't find what it is deficient???
  7. J

    Help please i think it's dying???

    Okay guys I really need help I have 8 to 10 week old Autoflower I'm not too for sure as my records were lost but it sprouted around the 28th of October or 21st it was stunted for about 2 weeks as it stayed very very small well now as it is 8 weeks to 9 weeks old I was having some issues out of...