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  1. KronToker

    Could I use light from a night light..

    get som real lights bro, it will pay off in the end. Don't skimp on lighting
  2. KronToker

    light height

    how high should a 600w mh light be above my plants?
  3. KronToker

    Metal Halide Bulbs

    Does it matter what bulb i by for my 400 watt mh grow lamp. I can buy the bulb for like 15 bucks but then i see some that are like 80 bucks. does it matter what i use.
  4. KronToker

    low wattage hps

    i found a very cheap hps light fixture but its only takes a 70 watt bulb, will this work
  5. KronToker

    Mercury Vapor Lights?

    Anybody heard or know anything about mercury vapor lights? They seemt o be cheaper than mh or hps, I'm wondering if they produce the correct spectrum of light for growth?
  6. KronToker

    More lighting questions

    Will my plants flower under flouros and cfi's or do i have to have hps or mh lights?
  7. KronToker

    seeds to sprout

    well i would recomend germinating your seeds before planting them but if you did that it should ony take between 3-5 days for them to sprout
  8. KronToker

    Flourescent lighting

    I am only growing like 2-4 plants, do you think its ok to go with fluorescent lights? Will they get the job done?
  9. KronToker

    Small Stems

    This is the first time i have grown indoor, and my stems are very small im afraid when the plants get bigger they will just fall over, any suggestions on fattening up my stems?