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  1. the fall guy

    strange plant pots

    Im just wandering if wicker baskets would do the same thing?
  2. the fall guy

    The devils in the detail "The Church"

    Theese "The Church" plants seem to be going good, plenty of bud sites, can take a good feeding, really thick stalks/trunks and a ventilation system that could suck the chrome of a ball hitch........ This ones pheno is different, way more bushy and didnt hardly stretch at all during this first 2...
  3. the fall guy

    strange plant pots

    Exactly what i thought, for not much more than standard pot its got to be worth a try i rekon, if you do a side by side let me know, it would be good to get two sets of results cheeeeeers
  4. the fall guy

    strange plant pots

    yep indeedy, i have heard really good things about theese pots for both time reduction (for veging clones) and yeild increase, i have 6 on order to my local hydro store and may run a standard pot versus gimp mask type to see the difference, cheeeeeeeers
  5. the fall guy

    strange plant pots

    Thanks buddy, thats exactly it, ..... + rep for that,what does the copper sulphate technique involve,
  6. the fall guy

    strange plant pots

    Get on all, ive been trawling the net for theese strange pots ive heard about, i have no pics so ill try to explain the theory and design, They are almost gimp mask looking with numerous holes in them taht each have a nipple like teet sticking out, theese teets are NOT light proof and therefore...
  7. the fall guy

    is this the start of nute burn,

    Excelent, thankyou Krieg i shall do exactly that, standard veg nutes until the flowering stretch slows sounds like good old common sense, and the symptoms showed up just after the nutes change, it all fits , next watering/feeding ill stick with canna terra vega at 1.4 ec (my aged water has a...
  8. the fall guy

    is this the start of nute burn,

    Thanks Oregon, cheeeeers
  9. the fall guy

    The devils in the detail "The Church"

    The ladies are now in there fifth week, they started showing pre flowers at week four, and i also started them on 12/12 regime for lights 4 days ago. I hope they seem healthy to you folks, this is my first indoor grow so i have no reference. Oh yeah i did invest in a grow tent, ec meter, and...
  10. the fall guy

    is this the start of nute burn,

    Thanks spesh, ill back off the nutes slightly, by the way thats gotta be fastest reply ever, how do you add rep? cheeeeeeeeeeeeeers
  11. the fall guy

    is this the start of nute burn,

    Get on all, i have three plants which are all the church, the one shown in pics below has started getting brown edges and tips of leaves, i have cross referenced alot of info and i THINK i have narrowed it down to nute burn, or slight calcium defficiency. The lights were flipped to 12/12 5 days...
  12. the fall guy

    The devils in the detail "The Church"

    sorry all forgot how to edit journal so ill add to it like this..... The three are now 3 weeks form seed, This last one is still tottaly different shape colour and size anyone recon they can tell if its different strain? Ill update again next week, im going to start flowering at about 14...
  13. the fall guy

    EC variations in aged water

    Get on all, i recently bought an ec tester and ph reader to make sure the nute levels and ph levels were spot on for my plants, i was told by the grow shop guy to test the tap water for ec levels first and to add required nutes plus whatever the tap water reading was, ok fine i get that but i...
  14. the fall guy

    Transplant advise

    cheers buddy there in three gallons now and lovin it nice one
  15. the fall guy

    Transplant advise

    Thanks for replying skunkushybrid01, i think im going to stick with bigger is best principal with the pots though as the bigger the plant, the more opportunity for buds, at least that seems to be what the majority say but if you mean you could get the same amount from a smaller plant than i will...
  16. the fall guy

    Transplant advise

    Nice one GidgetGrows that advise was spot on, transplanted them today and the roots were at the same sort of stage as your pic, theyre now in 15 litre pots. (below)
  17. the fall guy

    Transplant advise

    Get on all, wondering if anyone can advise me if my plants are ready to transplant, in theese pics they are 15 days old including 3 days germination time, they are a couple of days older now with a load of new leaf sets and still going good but id like to catch them before they start to get root...
  18. the fall guy

    The devils in the detail "The Church"

    Get on all i thought id put my first attempt at indoor growing up on here so if you can see anything im doing wrong or that could be done better please feel free to write on this journal. Cupboard A: "The Control Room" 50 litre water tank 1 X water heater "set at 26 degrees c" 2 x 12v hydro...
  19. the fall guy

    how hot is too hot

    Cheers buddy im going to start a grow journal today so you guys and gals can check out the setup and see if theres any improvements to make........cheeeeeers
  20. the fall guy

    Rogue seeds

    Get on all, im growing "the church" strain from greenhouse seed co NL, two out of the three plants look basically identical but one is a completely different size, has a totally different leaf shape and is very dark green in comparrison to the others, all three are doing well so im not that...