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  1. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    well i know today isn't fri but today has been eventful, so i have some pics to share with everyone. so heres a run through of everything that happened today. 1) i cut clones off all the girls. 2 clones came from each girl. that way if anything happens i'll have more to work with. 2) all...
  2. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    @Fishy Buds , yeah i was lookng at them today and i will start cloning them tomorrow. i'm really really excited and crazy pumped about this stage. in fact i'm actually probably more excited about the cloning and scrogging then i am about the flower...dont get me wrong pumped about the flower...
  3. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    alright so a day late and a dollar short...but heres my girls and the progress. first lets address the issues. 1) my humidity is hitting 71%, which is unusual because in the smaller compartments it would stay around 50-55% but in the larger compartment its holding at 70% +...i used to spray all...
  4. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    @Fishy Buds you were right...she started to perk back up today. its different though, i'm used to within a day seeing them perk up or not. that transplant took alot out of them...or at least that one girl. but shes fine now. as for the other girls they're doing good and have shown a lot growth...
  5. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    today no real changes happened. i have noticed that the project girls that started off slow and dainty are now growing to be the strongest. the nutes have definitely proven their worth and there is a large difference between nutes and non-nutes. the ASD 2 is still not wanting to recover fully...
  6. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    yup thanx that helped alot. kept me from making a time costly mistake.
  7. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    no not like smart pots...its pots that are made of fabric, like a wool or recycled fabric. you cant really see them in the pics because of the LED but those are fabric pots and supposedly you're supposed to be able to drop those into a larger pot and the roots will grow right through. i guess...
  8. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    well that could very well be the problem. i had them in the solo cups for about 2 weeks. i've probably done twice as many transplants as other people have just because i started them off wrong though. i have them in fabric pots and the guy at the store said with fabric pots i should be able to...
  9. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    as of right now the girls have responded well to the transplant. and look amazing if i do say so myself. they smell delicious. there is one girl that is looking sad, its a ASD from group 2. her leaves are pointing down and shes looking sad. right now she isnt showing any signs of other issues...
  10. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    hey guys missed a few days...i was caught up with other things. also i didnt get the pics up like i had planned, but i'm fixing that now. so alil about last week: the girls grew and grew until they became root bound and then they stopped growing and the leaves started to point down. they kinda...
  11. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    question real quick...and this really comes down to growers preference but after the sour diesel and bubblegum what would be the next best strain to grow. good yield, solid high, grow time, and dense buds. obviously each grower has their own preference but there are strains out there that get...
  12. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    ok @Fishy Buds so you recommend compost tea diluted or not to be sprayed as a folair spray and mixed in with the nutes? i'm not trying to sound like a broken record or anything but just making sure i got this. i've heard (through RIU forms) that you should mix organic with synthetic, being that...
  13. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    so today i went and checked on my babies. and this is what i have so far. the tallest plants are about 3" and these are also the strongest smelling plants. on a side note i want to bury my face in the plant and smell it all the time, i let my gf smell it and she loved it. the test group will be...
  14. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    yeah they sit in fox farm right now and i think thats what was so crushing to the plants early on. i was giving them more nutes then they needed but at the same time they were getting nutes from the soil also. in a weird way i'm glad i screwed up and burned them. you know having something new...
  15. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    taking a step back definitely helped the plants. i think at first spending all that money on the setup i was expecting to be more involved and to be honest i just need to be there to water them and thats it lol. i tried plain water but my water out of the facet is at 7.8 and although it wont...
  16. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    ok, so i couldn't really tend to my girls over the weekend due to company. i watered them friday and didn't touch them until today. they look amazing and are growing so big. by far the most developed are the bubblegum and ASD in group 2 which is slightly weird because everything has been the...
  17. blackflag_demo

    Sannies Shop - Thumbs up

    i have heard nothing but good things about sannies seeds. every now and again you get a naysayer but other then that you cant really go wrong with sannies from what i hear. i have never grown any of sannies breeds yet. in fact i just started my own grow and its with amherst sour diesel and...
  18. blackflag_demo

    Sannies Shop - Thumbs up

    lol wow thanks. yeah i hear a lot of people talk about the sour diesel, i also hear alot of people talk about the C99 strain. i actually had blue dream in my shopping cart but my mentor was like dont buy it because its a fad, then he suggested SD. lol the worst part and best part is the wait...
  19. blackflag_demo

    1st Grow...big or go home

    and here is the end of the week report these girls have shown great growth and development. i am impressed. the colors are coming back to the girls and getting nice and deep. since i started to mist the girls there has been some environmental changes. temps have rose to 79F that used to hang...
  20. blackflag_demo

    Sannies Shop - Thumbs up

    if you were going to which from nutes and fert what would be the cost to change over to organics? i would like to do a side by side comparison grow...i think it would be awesome to see the differences right next to each other. and do you just do the organic with sannies breeds? out of all the...