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  1. mmsmms123

    Help can’t find answer

    they will be more than fine. the plants are so resilient that they can be regenerated after flowering just make sure you are on 12/12 because a messed up life cycle will herm
  2. mmsmms123

    Bag seeds

    i love bag seed too! these are some mexican seeds my grandfather brought me from Oklahoma
  3. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    they have grown like that they are all from a bag of mexican the tall ones are all straight up sativa and when i tried to do 3 feet above in week 2 and they were growing to fast up so it is week 5 so they finally stopped getting so tall bit now you see what i am left with they are looking and...
  4. mmsmms123

    whats wrong with this plant

    how moist is the soil because it almost looks like they are waterlogged
  5. mmsmms123

    Not sure what to do about yellow tips of first set of leaves // 1st grow

    i mean replant into some good soil. you have wood chips ontop which are very acidic and that is what is happening to your plant
  6. mmsmms123

    Not sure what to do about yellow tips of first set of leaves // 1st grow

    dig the plant up cause the roots are not estqblished transplant in a larger pot and do not fertilize for a week just plain water
  7. mmsmms123

    My first grow... Is it me or the breeder(lots of pics)

    dont toss any hermied plant in a small tent. i have smoked a lot of seed filled mexican that hit great. i love using bag seed from a hermied plant it is like forest gump you never gonna know what you goin get
  8. mmsmms123

    Questions about growing outside

    before you bring it back in get some dyna gro neem oil and foliar spray and feed during the veg stage
  9. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    same here no need to leave this on a negative note for discussing the possibilities that is why these forums kill me is because of people like you needing to throw in your two cents to be heard to feel better about your life as you go into your 4'x4' grow kit bought from an amazon cheap package deal
  10. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    that is a great plan of action especially the transplanting idea well played good sir!
  11. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    i agree about the nutrients too i believe though the plant cannot use what it is getting because of the fan blowing it to hard
  12. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    imagine your arms straight up facing a strong wind and holding them there for days what happens is the leaves are bending so hard that eventually the veins in them get sore just like your arms would be so than it stresses the plant from the edge to the tips nutrient burns are dry hay yellow...
  13. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    yes i have learned the hard way. when the tips start to turn it just means there is something wrong. just like how nausea could mean the flu to cancer.
  14. mmsmms123

    Which deficiency is it?

    pluck off all the ugly leaves than start feeding again withnwhatever base nutrient you are using
  15. mmsmms123

    Need help with soil

    i use potash that has been composted at the local mill for like 50 years. it is 0 on nitrogen so it works well what i am saying is good herb grows in any kind of grow medium that is low on nitrogen and if the n-p-k has a high n level than know that when using your fertilizer go light on your...
  16. mmsmms123

    Don’t know what to do about my burnt tips! Please help :(

    it is wind burn move your fan further away from the plantand turn the fan down
  17. mmsmms123

    why does my plant have 3 point leaves n not 5

    It is actually a sign that the plant has ruderelis in it blood and if stressed or grown wrong it is very likely going to hermie out so if there are lots of three tip leaves than treat the plqnt with care