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  1. Alright alright alright

    Ready to harvest?

    I’m finishing week 10. She just don’t stop forming new
  2. Alright alright alright

    Ready to harvest?

  3. Alright alright alright

    Ready to harvest?

    Think this girl is ready?
  4. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    They put out some heat.. I don’t think it is excessive. The drivers are fixed to the panel. Temps are reaching lower 80’s here this week and my room is hitting 85 right now. If I could go back I would get detachable drivers.
  5. Alright alright alright

    Almost there?

    I gotcha, first time here. I was just hoping someone could say just what you did. I took the 8 week flower period and kinda ran with it. It’s nice to know there is at least 4 more weeks left.
  6. Alright alright alright

    Almost there?

    Gee thanks pal
  7. Alright alright alright

    Almost there?

    Think they will put on much more weight?
  8. Alright alright alright

    Almost there?

    I’m finishing week 6 of flower... wondering when I should stop fertilizing altogether.
  9. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Lookin awesome. What is your feeding schedule like? I’m feeding/water/water skipping a day in between. I had to travel to Indiana for 4 nights and came back to some yellowing on random leaves. I had a buddy water while I was gone. I’m hoping it’s just age.
  10. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Got any cool pics yet? 3 1/2 weeks since I went 12/12.
  11. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Kicking around an idea to build another room. I’m thinking 10’x20’x10’. I’d like to fit 12 plants in 10 or 15 gallon pots. Maybe run 4 of those sonofarm max pro 8’s. I could use my current room to veg then transplant in the big room... then start all over.
  12. Alright alright alright


  13. Alright alright alright


    That’s about the best I can do, the upload seems to compress the image quality a bit.
  14. Alright alright alright


    That sucks. I’d hate to kill it off without being certain.
  15. Alright alright alright


    How long could I let it develope before it tries to bang my girls?
  16. Alright alright alright


    Is this thing a Herm or what? First time here...
  17. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    I’m told they are swollen calyx. Here is the same plant different node
  18. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Starting to flower. Either I’m nose blind or there is absolutely no smell. Kind of weird. You flip yet?
  19. Alright alright alright

    Is this a male?

    Same plant... hopefully it isn’t one of them transgenders