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  1. abuilder

    White Widow is now 10+ weeks from flip but no amber trichs..WTF? Photos included : )

    What do you mean exactly by, "the next big thing", skeletor? I had a feeling it may not be over yet which was why I stopped the nutes only 5 or so days ago. Figured it probably would be another two weeks or so which will take me to almost 3 months of flower mode. Under my hand held microscope I...
  2. abuilder

    White Widow is now 10+ weeks from flip but no amber trichs..WTF? Photos included : )

    Thanks y'all....yeh, think I'll go 2 days dark starting on Monday or Tuesday then chop. I want to give it a few more waterings to flush it a bit further anyway. I can't imagine it going any longer and it getting any better. I'll keep you posted. Dying for a taste taste. Almost five
  3. abuilder

    White Widow is now 10+ weeks from flip but no amber trichs..WTF? Photos included : )

    Thanks this point...almost five months of babying these girls, I'm getting impatient, but, after all this time whats another week or two? tongue is hanging to the floor as I
  4. abuilder

    White Widow is now 10+ weeks from flip but no amber trichs..WTF? Photos included : )

    Two months veg...then went 12/12 ten and a half weeks ago and I see not one amber trich...actually I still see a few clear ones, but most are milky. Anyone go this long with White Widow (from BCSEEDS)? I'm just guessing it could go another two weeks or less before chopping. I used Fox Farm nutes...
  5. abuilder

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    Actually my last order from 'Tude..about a month or so ago came with a really nice Tshirt. In the past they were just so so t's.....I did have problems with some expensive seeds I got from them the time I ordered before this...Out of ten seeds only four popped and they were a fortune. Pissed me...
  6. abuilder

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    For all you guys regarding Amazon. A good tip using Amazon is....when you see something you like...find the sellers company name and check it outside of Amazon by googling the name, b/c a lot of the time you can actually get it cheaper directly from the the seller cutting out amazon. I guess...
  7. abuilder

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Which is why one must use a scope to check the least I always do..
  8. abuilder

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    All sold out which is too bad because I think thts the one I have..if its the one that a little bigger than most...and it's a smokin' reflector!! I planned on buying another real soon...pissed that I missed this one...grrrrrrrr
  9. abuilder

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Ditto...I buy just about all my supplies including my FF nutes from Amazon and have never had any problems..been doing it for years now.
  10. abuilder

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    photos aren't that clear but I think I see white I'd wait till they all recede..and I'd check the trichs with a scope to be sure..
  11. abuilder

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    excellent tutorial...
  12. abuilder

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    This is one of THE reasons I became an indoor farmer....the correlation between plants and people is a mirror image in so many ways. Growing plants is one of the greatest tools in understanding how we as humans grow...get sick and get well...and when done'll even get you high in all...
  13. abuilder

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    He did a lot most people don't even know about. they only know him for his wise guy street theater antics, which btw, wasn't just about being a wise guy. It was about shocking people into see what was going on in Nam, Washington, the court system, public on and so forth and did...
  14. abuilder

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    and as a man of the cloth you must have great respect for my man Abbie Hoffman, may he rest in peace.... so bless you my son , or would that be my know what I mean my brother ....and I'll leave you with a flash from the past by a great fighter of human rights...
  15. abuilder

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Yep...I loved Father Remirez's post to you as well...great post F.R!! EDIT: and if you're really a minister of sorts...sorry about my icon if you find it
  16. abuilder

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

  17. abuilder

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    agree...I was thinking "at least" another cpl of weeks...was in my head but didn't tap out on my
  18. abuilder

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Pistils still look very guess is another cpl of weeks from what I can tell from those few photos..
  19. abuilder

    2 days of darkness

    I wait till I see 5% amber or less. When it's cloudy it can still take quite awhile to go amber..
  20. abuilder

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thats what I woulda said..