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  1. Kieron90

    Bent plants, reservoir slime and squashed roots...

    I've recently upgraded my Wilma system from the one that pushed the plants too close together, to a larger one with better spacing. The extent that the plants have bent outwards (away from the light), in order to find more space / light is clear now they're in the new system. Will I be able...
  2. Kieron90

    Roots growing in nutrient gutter...

    The title pretty much sums up this issue. The plants in my Wilma system have now grown roots underneath the pot and are growing and resting in the run to reservoir gutters. Obviously as the system shuts off, the roots are exposed to the air and I am concerned about their slight brown tinge...
  3. Kieron90

    Aeroponic X-Stream Propagator - Hype ?

    Fantastic ! Always looking for different approaches. What sort of speeds have you found your cuttings root at, and in terms of automation, can these cuts be left withojt intervention. Curious to know what sort of medium you have used for this method... Thanks K
  4. Kieron90

    Aeroponic X-Stream Propagator - Hype ?

    Just wondering whether there genuinely is an advantage (in terms of speed) for those using these type of cloning machines vs traditional methods. 22.5 Degrees C (Dome and Rez) Rhiztonic added to tank 15 mins on / 45 mins off 96% humidity There seems to be a lot of people giving a decent...
  5. Kieron90

    I hope I did the right thing...

    Yup, environment factors, I agree, can have a huge impact; everyone ends up with their "own truth" then based on their own experience, which can cause some heated debate ! I checked in on them this morning and with 99% humidity, they seem to have perked right up. In the true sense of my...
  6. Kieron90

    I hope I did the right thing...

    You make a very good point actually, I'll likely compare the results of having docked the leaves (growth, time to root etc...) to leaving them untouched on the next set of cuttings to see whether there is a difference in results.
  7. Kieron90

    I hope I did the right thing...

    I'm not sure what you mean... The leaf reduction was to prevent transpiration whilst the cuttings take root. They're currently in a tap water ez-cloner with no nutrients in it.
  8. Kieron90

    I hope I did the right thing...

    I can honestly tell you that it was awful... completely bad..... who am kidding, it was awesome :grin:
  9. Kieron90

    I hope I did the right thing...

    Ah that's what I wanted to hear ! I think because the sucker shoots were actually quite developed it seems as though I have left them bare. Currently eating take away whilst looking at the now withering remains of my women. *slurps noodles*
  10. Kieron90

    I hope I did the right thing...

    I've just taken off the lower 1/3 of my girls that I started from seed which currently range in height between 16" and 20" (strain is Dinafem Critical + 2.0) and used the chops for cuttings so that when these have grown out I can select a mother. Will 12/12 them at the end of the week. Aside...
  11. Kieron90

    Upward leaf curl

    I’ve got an issue with upward lead curl and despite reading the sticky threads I am no wiser as to what it could be... pH drifts from 5.2 to 6.2 Canna nutes at 1.0EC Fed 15 minutes every 3 hours Humidity is 40% Ambient temp between 20 and 22 degrees c Radiant temp between 24 and 26 degreees c...
  12. Kieron90

    How to delete a thread?

    If I had read this in the sticky guidelines, then I would have been more careful about what I upload to the site, it was because I saw that threads were being deleted that I went ahead with uploading the content to the site. Bearing in mind what you have said, can I have the threads I mentioned...
  13. Kieron90

    Stealth Grow Room and Clone Unit

    Thanks - there were a few expletives during the production phase of the project :-D
  14. Kieron90

    How to delete a thread?

    I haven't been told at any point that this is something which is frowned upon.
  15. Kieron90

    Stealth Grow Room and Clone Unit

    It's story time, is everyone ready, great, I'll begin. Initially bought a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent. I wanted to limit light leaks, contain smell and overall, control the environment. I also needed to run a clone unit in the same room, and running that constantly whilst the plants had their lights...
  16. Kieron90

    How to delete a thread?

    Howdy. It's that time of the month again, could you delete these threads I started please. Thanks K
  17. Kieron90

    Wind burn, ambient temperature, deficiency, relative humidity ?

    Appreciate the answers from everyone, I have backed up the lights in order to reduce stress, also added a humidifier.
  18. Kieron90

    Wind burn, ambient temperature, deficiency, relative humidity ?

    Never heard of what, the low humidity, or the corrective action... I just bought some more meters to make sure the measurements I am getting are correct.
  19. Kieron90

    Wind burn, ambient temperature, deficiency, relative humidity ?

    A humidifier is on the list for today in that case, it was on the to do list but I'll make it a priority. I've measured the humidity of the air on the in take and it's 50% - that's dropping down to 10% because of the lights and the air circulation right ? I've moved them onto continuous feed to...
  20. Kieron90

    Wind burn, ambient temperature, deficiency, relative humidity ?

    Do you think the cause is the light being too close, or the low humidity, or a combination of both ?