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  1. yerpgod

    Sannies Seeds Strain advice

    which has a higher yeild?
  2. yerpgod

    Sannies Seeds Strain advice

    So i think ill be ordering seeds from sannie using cash ( yes yes i kno just use CC but i want to be more discrete & i dont have a CC to use =P ) So im wondering which strain i should choose ? Im growing indoors under a 600w with a 4x4x6.5 box properly ventilated, FFoF & HF with perlite soil...
  3. yerpgod

    Sannies Seeds Stain advice

    So i think ill be ordering seeds from sannie using cash ( yes yes i kno just use CC but i want to be more discrete & i dont have a CC to use =P ) So im wondering which strain i should choose ? Im growing indoors under a 600w with a 4x4x6.5 box properly ventilated, FFoF & HF with perlite soil...
  4. yerpgod

    Where to buy seeds with cash ?

    Which seed bank(s) would be best for buying seeds by sending cash?
  5. yerpgod

    Where to buy seeds with cash ?

    Which seed bank(s) would be best for buying seeds by sending cash?
  6. yerpgod

    Space above grow light. Height question?

    thx yeah thats wat i was thinking is that it will help with heat
  7. yerpgod

    Space above grow light. Height question?

    im talking like the height of my grow space in general. like its 8 ft high & the lamp rest about 5 1/2 ft high and thats the highest it can go. do i lose anything above the light with the space above it?
  8. yerpgod

    Space above light height question ??

    Wondering does the space above my 600w hps , like 2 1/2 ft , make me lose light? Like lose lumens?
  9. yerpgod

    Space above grow light. Height question?

    Wondering does the space above my 600w hps , like 2 1/2 ft , make me lose light? Like lose lumens?
  10. yerpgod

    Vegging under 600w Hps advice

    yeah sounds more along my lines. any specific strains inmind ? looking for mainly quantity with a little quality . ive heard different things about the Big Bug x NortherLights any oothers?
  11. yerpgod

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    I dont really want to scrog grow. i figure with light size & space inbetween & pots size ive got about 3ft vert. i can let em veg between 12"-18" then flower. so they'll end up 2-3ft tall.
  12. yerpgod

    Vegging under 600w Hps advice

    what if I veg 2 weeks in 6" pots transplant to 10" pots veg for 2 more weeks transplant to 5 gal pots veg for 1 more week then switch to flowering . Assuming i have all exhaust & ventilation under control with no porblems.
  13. yerpgod

    Vegging under 600w Hps advice

    any advice on Vegging under a 600w hps ina 4x4x6 grow box & then flowering in the same box ? pot sizes ? how many times to transplant? want 4-5 plants trying for around 3 months seed-harvest
  14. yerpgod

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    ok i think ill make it 4x4x6 feet as im not limited by height ( well maybe 8ft lol ) with 4 plants in 5 gallon pots. i want to harvest about every 3 months. so how long should i veg & in what size pots if vegging under the 600w the whole time
  15. yerpgod

    start veg in 6" pots ??

    yeah just tryna see what i can do with that small veg space. but i prolly will use the flower space for the whole 1st run. any suggestions with that? like what size pots to start from & go up to ? im only tryna veg for 4-5 weeks, i want to harvest around 3 month seed to harvest.
  16. yerpgod

    start veg in 6" pots ??

    what the title says. can i start vegging 4 plants in 6" pots & veg for 4 weeks ? then switch to 10" pots veg for another week then flower? veg space 1ft 10" height , 1ft 4" width , 1ft 2" length Light = only 1 t5 48w flower space 4x4x6 with 1 600w hps will it work semi well? lol
  17. yerpgod

    Few more size questions Yeeerp

    right now ive got a pretty small veg space. with 1 t5 light ( ) 1ft 10" height ( highest the light can go ) 1ft 4" width ( front to back ) 1ft 2" length how many i should veg at a time ? maybe 2 weeks solo cups then 2 weeks 6" then 10" 1 week...
  18. yerpgod

    Few more size questions Yeeerp

    what if i go from 6" pots for veg to 10' for flowering ??
  19. yerpgod

    Few more size questions Yeeerp

    cool thanks for the ideas. so what size pot would u switch to from vegging to flower ? or are u just sayin u wud veg 9 under the 600w wait till 12" then fower?
  20. yerpgod

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    How high do yo think i should make the box if i did a 4x4 space?